Errata and addenda to The Millennium Wodehouse Concordance

Volume 4: Wodehouse Among the Chickens

p. x

HRE:  He Rather Enjoyed It (not “Really”)


p. xiii

LEO-LBH:  The Level Business Head (not “A”)

PictRev-EEM:  The Diverting Episode of the Exiled Monarch

USArg-UHN:  magazine is monthly; date is simply 3/48


p. xiv

Vanfair-TEH:  Date should be 8/15


BARDELL: from Charles Dickens’s The Pickwick Papers

DAWSON: Supposedly from the Yard; actually an accomplice of Stuttering Sam.

HEALY, Tim (1855–1931): Irish politician

JABBERJEE, Hurry Bungsho, B.A.: graduate of an Indian university, now a law student in England with an overblown vocabulary which he does not completely understand; a character in F. Anstey’s Baboo Jabberjee B.A. (1897).

McEACHERN, Molly: mentioned only in LAC and LAC21; for USLAC and Circle-LAC see Dolly Strange.

M’LURKIN, Angus: should be M‘Lurkin with an inverted comma (same as opening single quotation mark) as in 1906 Newnes edition of LAC. The inverted comma was a printer’s shortcut for a superscript c as in McLurkin, when a font of type did not have superscript letters. It is McLurkin in USLAC, and pronounced like McLurkin no matter how it is typeset.

O’BRIEN, Mrs.: her name is given as Kathleen in LAC and USLAC; her character is not present in LAC21.

POTTER, George: is beaten by Sidney McMurdo in the club championship semifinals in Strand-TFT, SatEvePost-TFT, and EGB-SCM; renamed George Bunting for FQO-SCM. (This entry should appear in Volume 1, where these stories are considered.)

POTTER, Saul: is beaten in the semifinal round of the Lyme Regis golf tournament by Professor Derrick in LAC and USLAC; in the semifinal round of the Combe Regis golf tournament by Professor Derrick in LAC21; in the semifinal round of the Rockport golf tournament by B. Rockleigh Derrick in Vanfair-TEH.

PRICE, Mabel: change “sulky” to “silly” in first line

PROSSER, Mr.: add EGB-BUC, and cross-reference Mr. Sims.

RICHARDSON, Frank (1870–1917): British comic author known for making fun of whiskers

SCHOOLING, J. Holt (1859–1927): British author and statistician (The British Trade Year-book, etc.); also wrote on such subjects as handwriting analysis, marriage, and fishing for newspapers and magazines including the Strand.

SIMMS, Addison: Ubiquitous magazine advertisements for the Roth Memory Course (see this example) began “Of course I place you! Mr. Addison Sims of Seattle.”

SIMS, Mr.: cross-reference Mr. Prosser.

UKRIDGE, Julia, residences of: add EGB-UOS and Liberty-UOS to Strand-UOS under Ende.


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Compiled by Neil Midkiff; last updated 2017-11-27
© 2017