The Blandings Castle stories and novels: SN15 SOMETHING NEW (Something Fresh) LP23 LEAVE IT TO PSMITH The following short stories are in the collection BLANDINGS CASTLE (AND ELSEWHERE) 24CP The Custody of the Pumpkin 26LE Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best 27PH Pig-Hoo-o-o-o-ey! 28CG Company for Gertrude 28EG Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend 31GG Go-Getter (Sales Resistance) FP29 FISH PREFERRED (Summer Lightning) HW33 HEAVY WEATHER In the collections LORD EMSWORTH AND OTHERS and THE CRIME WAVE AT BLANDINGS 36CW The Crime Wave at Blandings UF39 UNCLE FRED IN THE SPRINGTIME FM47 FULL MOON In the collection NOTHING SERIOUS: 50BS Birth of a Salesman PW52 PIGS HAVE WINGS SS61 SERVICE WITH A SMILE BG65 THE BRINKMANSHIP OF GALAHAD THREEPWOOD (Galahad at Blandings) In the collection PLUM PIE: 66SW Sticky Wicket at Blandings (First Aid for Freddie) 66LF Life with Freddie PB69 A PELICAN AT BLANDINGS (No Nudes Is Good Nudes) An unfinished novel, with outlines and notes for its completion: SB77 SUNSET AT BLANDINGS
Books are given in CAPITAL LETTERS. Alternate titles are in parentheses; the first-listed title is that of the first publication, whether English or American. The letter-and-number code is from Dan Garrison's WHO'S WHO IN WODEHOUSE; the digits give the year of first publication, from SN15 in 1915 to SB77 in 1977.
Lord Emsworth (or one of his predecessors in the title) was first mentioned in February 1910, in the short story “The Matrimonial Sweepstakes” (see the story data page for more details).
Updated 29 March 2019 by Neil Midkiff