The Wodehouse short stories

Now including short-short stories, humorous essays in story form, and narrative verse

P. G. Wodehouse wrote so much, so well, and for so long that trying to compile a complete listing of his short fiction is a daunting task. Thanks to the correspondents* who have sent me updates to this listing, and to the many Wodehouse enthusiasts who help make the rarer items available! Some shorter items never before indexed in listings like this are now included, thanks to the efforts of those behind Madame Eulalie’s Rare Plums. New discoveries and recategorization of rare items continue as these early writings are examined, as well as additional notes on items already listed, so this will be an ongoing project.

My general criterion for inclusion in this list is whether a piece contains dialogue between named fictional characters; some short selections might better be termed vignettes or essays expressed in dialogue, but in general I lean toward inclusiveness here, and even include a few narratives about named fictional characters without dialogue and a few sketches with dialogue between unnamed characters. A category added in December 2015 to this canon includes fourteen stories with named characters told in narrative verse.

As of April 22, 2020, the table below lists 655 magazine/newspaper appearances, 14 first or rewritten appearances in books, and well over 400 collected appearances in books of 409 basic stories appearing under 515 distinct titles; of course the exact count depends on how one treats the variant versions of a story, so precise numbers are arguable. But I believe that this is the most comprehensive list available, even as a work in progress, and (with the assistance of several contributors) corrects several long-standing errors from other bibliographic sources.

My purpose is to record the initial appearances of each story on each side of the Atlantic, and to identify significant variations in the text of the stories. Many stories were later widely reprinted in newspapers and magazines as well as collected in anthologies; trying to capture all those reappearances would make this table even more unwieldy than it is, and would be generally less than helpful in the basic goal of examining just what Wodehouse wrote. The later reprints shown here are usually those with significant differences in content from the earlier versions, or with other bibliographic interest. For additional information on reprints beyond those in McIlvaine’s Wodehouse bibliography and the Addendum to it published by the International Wodehouse Association, see Arthur Robinson’s addenda.

As more information is added, the table displays better in a wide browser window, but that makes it harder for the eye to track across the columns. I hope the background tints will make it easier to see the grouping of the variant versions of the stories.

If you enjoy this page, you may also want to visit my somewhat less daunting page of data on the Wodehouse novels.

Column 1: The stories are generally listed by the familiar titles under which they appear in book collections, but alternate titles are cross-indexed. A parenthetical title with the abbreviation cf. refers to an earlier or later story with significant plot similarities or reused elements. Without the abbreviation, parentheses indicate a series title (as with “Tales of Wrykyn”) or a subtitle.

Column 2: The number-and-letter code comes from Daniel H. Garrison’s Who’s Who in Wodehouse; for stories not included in previous editions I’ve followed his pattern to assign new codes. The new third edition (published February 2020) includes characters from this expanded list of fiction. Some stories which were significantly revised for their book appearances are getting two codes where one served before, as shown in the table below. References to “Garrison 2nd” are to the previous 1989 edition.

Column 3 indicates the principal series characters involved, or the genre or topic of the story if not based on recurring characters.

Columns 4-7: The initial magazine/newspaper appearances of the story and significant reprints are shown, with dates in year/month/day or year/month format. If the magazine name is formatted as a hyperlink, the story is available at the web site of Madame Eulalie’s Rare Plums; follow the link for further details. Stories published after the end of 1929 are still under copyright in the USA and thus are not available at Madame Eulalie’s site. Column 7 shows the title as it appeared in the periodical when that differs from the collected title in column 1.

Column 8 lists the most commonly available book collections in which the stories appear; an index to the codes is at the bottom of the table. The suffixes identifying the versions of the collections have been updated as of 28 June 2018 for conformity with the third edition of Who’s Who in Wodehouse; collections formerly referred to as “English” (previous codes such as YMSe) are now “British” (new format: YMSB). Recently published story collections are not in general included, unless they include stories not previously collected in book form which are not available online; it would be impossible as well as unnecessary to keep up with US public-domain reprintings of early stories based on texts from Project Gutenberg, Madame Eulalie, and similar sources. Where I have been able to determine which of multiple magazine versions is the source for a book appearance, the book is listed in the same row of the table. If the book reference spans multiple magazine reference rows, I would be grateful for additional data about the relation between book and magazine versions. Parentheses around the code of a book indicate that significant reworking happened between magazine and book editions.

Column 9 contains explanatory notes. By “essentially identical” I mean that the differences between versions are in American vs. British spelling and punctuation, paragraph and section formatting, or other purely copy-editorial choices. “Substantially identical” or “very similar” means that there are minor changes in wording, names, settings, currency amounts, etc., or a sentence added or omitted here and there, but the story versions proceed along the same lines throughout. Word counts are as made by Microsoft Word, and are for approximate comparison only, since hyphenation of compound words and similar formatting issues may affect the calculation.

Stories collected in The Inimitable Jeeves were sometimes split into two chapters in that book (abbreviated IJ below); I’ve indexed both chapter titles here for completeness, but I treat the original magazine story as a single unit.

Please send corrections and additional information to me at the Contact link.

—Neil Midkiff
   1 January 2025

*I’m grateful for information and suggestions from Tony Ring, Fr. Rob Bovendeaard, Arthur Robinson, Ian Michaud, John Dawson, Charles Stone-Tolcher, Michael Thompson, Nick Townend, Anthony Smith, Brad Stevens, Bill Huey, Ananth Kaitharam, Krishnamurthy Ganapathy, Karen Shotting, Jessy Dowling, Gus Caywood, Ken Clevenger, and probably a few others I’ve forgotten to credit.


Absent Treatment 11AT Reggie Pepper UK Strand 1911/03   M2LA MMJ EJ Set in London; Reggie’s uncle was in the coal business; Mary had been a hospital nurse, etc. Both British and American versions have only-by-PGW material.
US Collier's 1911/08/26   - Set in New York; Pepper fortune from safety razors; Mary had worked in a lawyer’s office, etc. Slightly longer, with visit to Mary’s father. EJ (Enter Jeeves) claims to use Collier’s version but actually reprints British text.
Actor James 03AJ theatre UK Punch 1903/07/29   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Adrian Mulliner, Detective see Smile that Wins, The
Adrian Mulliner's Greatest Triumph see From a Detective's Notebook
Adventure of the Missing Bee, The 04MB Sherlock Holmes parody UK Vanity Fair-UK 1904/12/01   - Short-short Sherlock Holmes parody, in Dr. Watson’s voice. In Conan Doyle’s “The Adventure of the Second Stain” (Strand, Dec. 1904), Watson tells us that Holmes has retired to bee-farming on the Sussex Downs; this is Wodehouse’s immediate response. [added July 2012]
Adventure of the Split Infinitive, The 02SI Burdock Rose/ Dr. Wotsing (school) UK Public School Magazine 1902/03   PS1 TWE Second Holmesian parody with St. Asterisk’s school setting, following “The Strange Disappearance of Mr. Buxton-Smythe”
Affair of Boats, An
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 4)
05AB school UK Captain 1905/07   TWE  
After the Otter 03AO   UK Punch 1903/06/24   - Short vignette on hunting. [added November 2013]
Afternoon Dip, An 04AD school UK Pearson's-UK 1904/09   - Pearson’s version ends four paragraphs earlier than the version in Greyfriars. TWE uses Pearson’s title but Greyfriars’ text.
UK Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1925 Jackson's Dip! TWE
Against the Clock 09AC Joan Romney
UK Pearson's-UK 1909/06   -  
Ahead of Schedule
(cf. Ways to Get a Gal)
11AS   UK Grand 1910/11   MU Set in London; the two versions are substantially similar, with minor changes in wording, locations, hotels, restaurants, etc.
US Collier's 1911/01/28   - Set in New York
All's Well second half of IJ version of Bingo and the Little Woman
All's Well with Bingo 37AW Bingo Little US Sat. Eve. Post 1937/01/30   CWB EBCB TDC Magazine versions seem essentially identical in a quick scan; in CWB Uncle Wilberforce is 76, as opposed to 86 in all other versions.
UK Strand 1937/04  
Amazing Hat Mystery, The 33AH Drones US Cosmopolitan 1933/08   - All versions substantially identical; Robinson, the cloak-room waiter, does not appear in Cosmopolitan.
UK Strand 1934/06   YMS VW TDC
Americanisation of London, The 07AL   UK Punch 1907/06/12   - A version of Hamlet for American actors. [added November 2013]
Among the Immortals 06AI   UK World 1906/10/30   - Short-short dialogue between Sherlock Holmes, Watson, and other literary heroes in the afterlife. [added December 2015]
Another Christmas Carol 70AC Mulliner US Playboy 1970/12   (WM) Though story essentials are the same, magazine and book versions differ significantly, each with material not present in other version. Mr. Mulliner/Anglers’ Rest introduction not in Playboy. Dr. Potter is Wilbraham in magazine, Bill in book.
Anselm Gets His Chance 37AG Mulliner UK Strand 1937/07   EBC VW WM British and American texts differ by a few words here and there; Rising Mattock (British) becomes Rising Smattock in American versions.
US Sat. Eve. Post 1937/07/03  
Archibald and the Masses 35AM Mulliner US Cosmopolitan 1935/08   - Sequel to “The Reverent Wooing of Archibald.” Cosmopolitan version slightly shortened by a few sentences here and there. Followed by “The Code of the Mulliners.”
UK Strand 1936/02   YMS WM
Archibald's Benefit
(cf. Reginald's Record Knock)
10AB golf US Collier's 1910/03/19   MU GO First golf story, but without the Oldest Member, who first appears in “A Woman Is Only a Woman”
Archie and the Sausage Chappie 20AS Archie UK Strand 1920/04   (IA) Magazine story expanded into chapter XVIII and XX of book, with added material. Cosmopolitan version shortened by the removal of a few sentences.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/06 The Sausage Chappie -
Artistic Career of Corky, The 16AC Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1916/02/05 Leave It to Jeeves - Some significant Americanisms and other differences from Strand version lead me to believe that this is closer to Wodehouse’s original version. EJ claims to reprint SEP version but is identical to MMJ text.
UK Strand 1916/06 Leave It to Jeeves MMJ EJ (COJ WJ) With very minor changes, as “Leave It to Jeeves” in MMJ and EJ; with opening condensed, transition added, and some deletions, as “The Artistic Career of Corky” in COJ and WJ
As It Might Have Been 05AI   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1905/02/09   - Short dramatic narrative parodying H. Rider Haggard’s Ayesha, a sequel to She, and incidentally the return of Sherlock Holmes. [added May 2014]
At Geisenheimer's 15AG   US Sat. Eve. Post 1915/08/21   - Very slightly longer, with more Americanisms; opening scenes told in a different order
UK Strand 1915/10 The Love-r-ly Silver Cup M2L Even M2LA reprints Strand version, but paraphrases the Irving Berlin lyric in the opening and omits it later.
Aubrey's Arrested Individuality 15AA   US Vanity Fair-US 1915/05   - Printed pseudonymously as “By P. Brooke Haven”; mostly a fictional narrative, with only one reported speech.
Aunt Agatha Makes a Bloomer see Aunt Agatha Takes the Count
Aunt Agatha Speaks Her Mind first half of IJ version of Aunt Agatha Takes the Count
Aunt Agatha Takes the Count 22AA Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1922/04   WJ Cr More heavily rewritten than any other Bertie/Jeeves short story of the early years ("Jeeves and the Greasy Bird" also has two major versions). This initial appearance follows “Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch” with Bertie escaping to France to avoid Aunt Agatha after his engagement to Honoria Glossop is broken. Bertie meets Aline Hemmingway on the train from Paris; Aunt Agatha comes to France later and never recommends Aline as a bride for Bertie; Bertie restores the pearls by pretending to find them in a drawer.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/10 Aunt Agatha Makes a Bloomer (IJ) In Cosmopolitan, follows “The Metropolitan Touch,” with Bertie in England and Aunt Agatha spending the winter in the south of France, summoning Bertie to join her and meet Aline as a prospective bride. This improved version allows Bertie to tick Aunt Agatha off for wanting him to marry a thief, not merely for overlooking the pearls in a drawer. This version adapted for IJ, with opening paragraphs added as a transition from previous chapter, a few other expansions, and split into two chapters: Aunt Agatha Speaks Her Mind/Pearls Mean Tears
Aunt and the Sluggard, The 16AS Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1916/04/22   - Magazine versions fairly similar; each has a few significant passages missing from the other, as well as some variant wording (e.g. “evangelist”/“reformer”). EJ claims to reprint SEP but follows MMJ text, very similar to Strand version. Opening condensed, other passages added (e.g. “Providence seems to look after the chumps” with discussion of aunts and uncles of Bicky, Corky, and Sippy) for COJ and WJ.
UK Strand 1916/08   MMJ EJ (COJ WJ)
US Sat. Eve. Post 1971 Winter   -
Author! 01AU school UK Public School Magazine 1901/10   TSA  
Autograph Hunters, The 05AH school UK Pearson's-UK 1905/02 The Autograph Hunter UW TWE Noted in June 2014: The title is plural in posthumous book collections and in all bibliographies, but singular in Wodehouse’s own account book and in Pearson’s. Metropolitan version is very similar, but transplanted to America with a few name and occupation changes, and very slight cuts/rewrites in a few places. Added April 2020: Boys’ Friend version is slightly cut from Pearson’s original, with other minor amendments.
US Metropolitan 1922/11 Mr. Watson's Autograph
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/12/23 The Schemer!
Avenged! 03AV   UK Punch 1903/02/11   - Short dialogue with verse, continuing Lewis Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter.” [added November 2013]
Awakening of Rollo Podmarsh, The 23AR golf UK Strand 1923/01   HG F! Red Book version has a few extra sentences describing golf details, not present in other editions, and match with Col. Bodger is to be for fifty cents a hole rather than a shilling; otherwise all versions substantially similar. “Mr. Jenkinson” in magazines, whose score never gets as high as eighty according to Mrs. Podmarsh, becomes Mr. Burns in books, probably to avoid confusion with the goof Jenkinson of 23HG.
US Red Book 1923/03 Rollo Podmarsh Comes To -
Awful Gladness of the Mater, The 25AG Bobbie Wickham US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/03/21   (MMS) Magazine versions have a sentence of additional backstory on Lady Wickham, omitted from book versions. Mr. Mulliner frame added for book; followed by “Dudley Is Back to Normal.”
UK Strand 1925/05  
Babe and the Dragon, The 02BD school
UK Captain 1902/02   TSA Wodehouse’s first contribution to The Captain
Back to the Garage 29BG theatre UK Strand 1929/07   PS3 Cosmopolitan version is shorter by a few sentences but has a phrase not present in Strand; otherwise substantially similar.
US Cosmopolitan 1929/07 Franklin's Favorite Daughter -
Back to the Land 05BK   UK Pearson's-UK 1905/08   - Short-short sketch in the form of a diary, but with reported indirect speech between characters. [added June 2015]
Baffled Banshee, The 03BB ghost UK Punch 1903/09/16   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: V. [added November 2013]
Ballad of Success, The 04BS   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1904/09/08   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Ballad of the Beard, The 05BA   UK Royal 1905/11   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Baronet's Redemption, The 04BR   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1904/10/06   - Short-short, a takeoff on Gilbert & Sullivan’s Ruddigore. [added May 2014]
Barrack-room Ballads 07BB   UK Punch 1907/04/03   - Short-short about singing soldiers. [added November 2013]
Battle of Squashy Hollow, The see Sleepy Time
Benefit Match, A 06AB James Innes
UK Windsor 1906/08   -  
Bertie Changes His Mind 22BC Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1922/08   (COJ WJ) Narrated by Jeeves; alternate title of “Bertie Gets His Chance” erroneously shown in McIlvaine for Strand appearance. In Strand and Cosmopolitan versions, Jeeves often refers to Mr. Wooster as “the guv’nor” and writes slightly less formally, with more contractions, than in book versions (COJ and WJ). Cosmopolitan version a bit shorter, by just a few sentences or phrases. Last sentence of magazine versions: “ ‘You do get the damnedest silliest ideas sometimes, Jeeves,’ he said.”
US Cosmopolitan 1922/08  
Bertie Gets Even see Scoring Off Jeeves
Bertie Gets His Chance erroneous title in McIlvaine; see Bertie Changes His Mind
Best Policy, The 06BP   UK Pearson's-UK 1906/01   - At the very least a humorous essay told in story form, so worth including. [added July 2012]
Best Sauce, The 11BS bridge UK Strand 1911/07   UW Pictorial Review version, available at Madame Eulalie, is set in America, and is longer at 5,607 words than Strand version of 5,186 words. Rayner’s name is Billy in US and Peter in UK version; in US version Mrs. Rastall-Retford has a grandson, Ferdie, who exposes Billy at the end; in UK version there is no child and Peter gets away with his feat. The stories are told in quite a different order and with different emphases, but the basic premise is the same and substantial portions are worded identically; still, the two magazine versions differ much more than usual.
US Pictorial Review 1913/02 The Dinner of Herbs ("A Dinner of Herbs" on continuation pages 69 and 70 in magazine) -
Best Seller
(cf. Parted Ways)
30BS   US Cosmopolitan 1930/06   - Not told as a Mulliner story; George Mortimer Gossett woos Evangeline Pembury. Set in and near New York; some changes of names, especially celebrities and other authors mentioned, and minor differences of wording here and there, but substantially identical story otherwise. Cosmopolitan has a short paragraph “Despite his relief . . . master libertine” near the end which is not in other versions (noted by Arthur Robinson).
Mulliner UK Strand 1930/07   MN Corrected information, Sept. 2013: Strand version is told by Mr. Mulliner about Egbert Mulliner wooing Evangeline Pembury, as in book version.
Between the Innings 05BI cricket UK Novel Magazine 1905/07   WW  
Big Business 52BB   US Collier's 1952/12/13   - No Mulliner introduction; hero is Reggie Watson-Watson.
UK Lilliput 1953/03   PS7 similar to Collier’s version; some minor condensation, a few new phrases, and differences in mentions of celebrity names
59BB Mulliner rewritten for A Few Quick Ones FQOAB WM rewritten and expanded as Mr. Mulliner/Reginald Mulliner story; new code of 59BB for this version
Bill the Bloodhound 15BB theatre US Century 1915/02 “Bill, the Bloodhound” - Set in New York, Syracuse, Buffalo
UK Strand 1915/04   M2L M2LA Set in London, Bristol, Hull
Bingo and the Little Woman 22BL Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1922/11   IJ Split into two chapters for IJ: Bingo and the Little Woman/All’s Well; only first sentence altered in IJ from magazine versions as a transition from previous chapter. All versions extremely similar; plovers’ eggs have become hors d’oeuvres in WJ collection.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/12  
Bingo and the Peke Crisis 37BP Bingo Little US Sat. Eve. Post 1937/05/29   EBC TDC Magazine versions essentially identical.
UK Strand 1937/06  
Bingo Bans the Bomb 65BB Bingo Little US Playboy 1965/01   (PP TDC) Playboy version considerably condensed from full-length book version, but with a few phrases not present in book. Argosy version (4,363 words) is almost identical to Playboy, but takes place in July rather than June, omits Jack Benny, and has other minor variants. Mabel’s father has a different name in each version, and Mabel’s news photo is captioned “The Hon.” in books but “Miss ‘Ginger’ Murgatroyd” in magazines.
UK Argosy 1965/08  
Bingo Has a Bad Goodwood second half of IJ version of Comrade Bingo
Bingo Little's Wild Night Out see Word in Season, The
Birth of a Salesman 50BS Blandings US This Week 1950/03/26   NS FQOp This Week version slightly condensed from book version.
Bishop's Cat, The see Story of Webster, The
Bishop's Folly, The see Cats Will Be Cats
Bishop's Move, The 27BM Mulliner US Liberty 1927/08/20   MMM Sequel to “Mulliner’s Buck-U-Uppo”; all versions substantially identical, with small edits in Liberty text. Citation of “Peace be on thy walls” is correctly given as Psalm 122:7 in Strand but given as Proverbs 121:6 in Liberty and MMM (or 131:6 in WM). In any case Proverbs has only 31 chapters, so it seems Wodehouse intended the error to indicate the Bishop’s intoxication, but a hyper-vigilant Strand copy editor corrected it. Followed by “Gala Night.”
UK Strand 1927/09  
Bit of All Right, A see Room at the Hermitage, A
Bit of Luck for Mabel, A 25BL Ukridge US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/12/26   - All versions essentially similar except for one cut of a few sentences in SEP version.
UK Strand 1926/01   EBC
Black for Luck 15BL   UK Strand 1915/06   - Same story, but rather large differences between the magazine versions in the way the story progresses, in Elizabeth’s backstory and occupation, and in minor characters. M2L version (essentially identical in British and American books) is much closer to Red Book text but incorporates variant readings from the Strand version as well.
US Red Book 1915/07 A Black Cat for Luck (M2L)
Blenkinsop's Benefit 04BB school
UK Captain 1904/08   TWE  
Blessings of Civilisation, The 07BC   UK World 1907/02/26   - Short-short about English popular culture influencing an Amir’s court. [added December 2015]
Bluff that Failed, The see Stone and the Weed
Bolt from the Blue, The
(A Man of Means, No. 2)
14BB Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/05   MMeans KBMM See 14LD for author credits. Pictorial Review version substantially shorter, at 4,115 words, versus 5,858 words in Strand, with substantial rewriting as well as trims. Middle scene of Windlebands realizing they must get the shares back is cut.
US Pictorial Review 1916/06 The Episode of the Financial Napoleon
Borrowed Dog, The see Episode of the Dog McIntosh
Bradshaw's Little Story 02BL school
UK Captain 1902/07   TSA SwO One of two TSA stories with a first-person schoolboy narrator (the other is “A Shocking Affair”).
Bramley Is So Bracing 39BI Freddie Widgeon US Sat. Eve. Post 1939/10/28   EBCA NS VW TDC Sequel to “Fate”
UK Strand 1940/12  
Breaking into Society see The Mixer: He Moves in Society
Brother Alfred see Rallying Round Old George
Brother Fans see One Touch of Nature
Buried Treasure 36BT Mulliner UK Strand 1936/09   LEO CWB WM Strand and CWB mention that Muriel is now Mrs. Mulliner; LEO and WM change (since Mrs Mulliner) to (said Mr Mulliner).
US This Week 1936/09/27 Hidden Treasure - Slightly condensed; Mulliner introduction is two short paragraphs indirectly quoting Mr. Mulliner, not mentioning Hitler.
Buttercup Day 25BD Ukridge US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/11/21   EBC Baxter is butler at Heath House in both magazine versions; Barter is butler at Heath House in British book; Barter is butler at The Cedars in American book. Otherwise extremely similar.
UK Strand 1925/12  
By Advice of Counsel 10BA   UK Strand 1910/07   MU Pictorial Review version, now available (as of December 2015) at Madame Eulalie, is somewhat longer, with many characteristic Americanisms, and must be closer to Wodehouse’s original.
US Pictorial Review 1910/09   -
Cagey Gorilla, A see Monkey Business
Came the Dawn 27CD Mulliner US Liberty 1927/06/11   - Liberty version shortened by omitting a few phrases or sentences; one change in celebrity name. Otherwise very similar.
UK Strand 1927/07   MMM
Castaways, The 33CA Mulliner
UK Strand 1933/06   BCE WM Strand version has “lightly-clad dancing girls” strewing roses for Mr. Schnellenhamer, not present in book versions; otherwise substantially similar.
Cats Will Be Cats 32CC Mulliner US American 1932/03 The Bishop's Folly MN Sequel to “The Story of Webster”; Strand version omits the “cats will be cats” sentence in Mr. Mulliner’s introduction and the comparison to Queen Elizabeth. American version omits comparison to a rabbit, “I fear the worst,” “hoops of steel” digression, vegetarianism question, “Tails up!” exchange, two paragraphs on Narcissus and civilisation, the discussion of sniffs, and the cat-language dialogue, among other minor cuts. Book versions apparently complete, without either set of cuts. New information, January 2016: The Scholastic version of this story rather confusingly is called “The Story of Webster,” which is the familiar book title of the earlier story about Lancelot and Webster, which had appeared in magazines as “The Bishop’s Cat”; the Scholastic text of “The Story of Webster” is slightly cut by the omission of a few paragraphs from the American magazine version of “The Bishop’s Folly,” even though it claims to be a reprint from the USA (Doubleday, Doran) edition of MN, where this story is titled “Cats Will Be Cats.”
UK Strand 1932/06 The Bishop's Folly
US Scholastic 1934/03/24 The Story of Webster -
Chatty Methods on the Bench 07CM   UK Punch 1907/03/20   - Short dialogue about a loquacious judge. [added November 2013]
Chester Forgets Himself 23CF golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1923/07/07   - All versions extremely similar; SEP is set in America: uses “par” in most cases instead of “bogey” and mentions British Amateur and British Open after speaking simply of Amateur and Open championships. Both book versions omit “summer” in first sentence. Some minor differences in representation of swearing; SEP includes “infernal” and “Hell!”
UK Strand 1924/05   HG F!
Clicking of Cuthbert, The 21UC golf UK Strand 1921/10 The Unexpected Clicking of Cuthbert CC VW Strand omits “His eye...seen it whole” in sixth paragraph, otherwise very similar to CC. Elks abridges the story very slightly and changes England to America, Queen’s to Carnegie Hall, Mitchell and Vardon to Walter Hagen and Jock Hutchison, as well as Jock Hutchison Rib-Face Mashie Banks at the end. In CCA these changes are made, except that the two Jock Hutchison references become Gene Sarazen and Francis Ouimet respectively, but the story is told at full length.
US The Elks Magazine 1922/07 Cuthbert Unexpectedly Clicks CCA
Clustering Round Young Bingo 25CR Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/02/21   COJ All versions extremely similar, except that books omit “Females who get housemaid’s knee”; that books have a few extra paragraphs with Bingo recalling when Bertie stole his uncle’s Memoirs at Easeby; and that Harrogate is given as 203 miles from London in SEP instead of 206. Editors of Jeeves Omnibus/WJ mistakenly substituted “Lord Yaxley” (Bertie’s other Uncle George, né George Wooster) for George Travers.
UK Strand 1925/04  
Code of the Mulliners, The 35CM Mulliner US Cosmopolitan 1935/02   - Sequel to “The Reverent Wooing of Archibald” and “Archibald and the Masses.” Cosmopolitan version slightly shortened by omitting a few words or phrases here and there, as well as several sentences about Archibald’s acquaintances at the Savoy and the “priceless scene.” Eugene O’Neill eight-act play in both magazine versions replaced by Somerset Maugham three-act play in both books.
UK Strand 1935/04   (YMS WM)
Collector, The 03TC   UK Punch Almanack
for 1903
  - Short-short about an attention-seeker collecting crowds. [added November 2013]
Collector, The 07TC   UK World 1907/07/16   - Short-short about a “Red Indian” collecting scalps. [added December 2015]
Colour Line, The 20GF hairdressing
US McClure's 1920/03+04 The Golden Flaw - McClure’s is combined issue for March–April 1920; text is slightly condensed (6,480 words) by simple cuts; otherwise only a few word changes from Grand version.
UK Grand 1920/04   PS3 Slightly longer at 7,165 words. Barber/manicurist theme recalls “When Doctors Disagree,” though plot is much different.
Come-back of Battling Billson, The 35CB Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1935/06 ...Comeback... - Somewhat shortened by simple cuts without rewriting.
UK Strand 1935/07   LEO EBCA Fourth story in the Battling Billson saga. Book versions follow longer Strand text.
Coming of Gowf, The 21CG golf UK Strand 1921/05   CC F! GO All versions extremely similar.
US McClure's 1921/06+07   McClure’s is combined issue for June–July 1921
Company for Gertrude 28CG Blandings UK Strand 1928/09   BCE Cosmopolitan version very slightly shortened by simple cuts without rewriting; otherwise all versions very similar. Lady Alcester has a few more dogs in book version.
US Cosmopolitan 1928/10   -
Compromised! see Fate
Comrade Bingo 22CB Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1922/05   WJ (IJ) Magazine versions essentially identical other than a few omitted sentences (and inexplicably placing Goodwood in Hampshire) in Cosmopolitan. Split into two chapters in IJ: Comrade Bingo/Bingo Has a Bad Goodwood, with some slight rewriting and added transitions.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/05   -
Concealed Art 15CA Reggie Pepper UK Strand 1915/02   PS2 (EJ) Set in London; slight cuts and many changes of words and local references compared to Pictorial Review text. EJ claims to reprint Strand version but doesn’t match it; for instance, opening of EJ is shortened to omit Futurists.
US Pictorial Review 1915/07   - Pict. Review version, slightly longer and thus presumed closer to PGW’s original, is set in New York; Reggie is heir to safety-razor fortune. See “Absent Treatment” above.
Consequences 03CO cricket UK Punch 1903/08/19   - Short cricket vignette. [added November 2013]
Corner in Lines, A 05CL school UK Pearson's-UK 1905/01   UW TWE Added April 2020: Boys’ Friend reprint very slightly edited, very similar to Pearson’s original.
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/11/18 The Locksley Lines Supplying Trust, Ltd. -
Creatures of Impulse
(cf. The Crime Wave at Blandings)
14CI   UK Strand 1914/10   PS6 Has a few sentences not present in McClure’s, so each apparently edited from a longer original.
US McClure's 1914/10   - Somewhat longer version, with a few paragraphs and sentences not present in Strand.
Crime and the Eyesight 03CE   UK Punch 1903/02/25   - Short humorous essay in the form of a story. [added November 2013]
Crime by Proxy 03CB   UK Onlooker 1903/09/19   - Short tale of theft and murder (in a sense). [added November 2015]
Crime Wave at Blandings, The
(cf. Creatures of Impulse)
36CW Blandings US Sat. Eve. Post 1936/10/10
  LEO CWB Cr Magazine versions very similar, except that in SEP “shikari” is replaced by “safari” and “blister” is replaced by a startling vulgarism.
UK Strand 1937/01 Crime Wave at Blandings (no “The”)
Crowned Heads 15CH   US The Argosy 1914/06   - British text is somewhat condensed from Argosy version (now available at Madame Eulalie as of December 2015), though it has a few sentences (about Brooklyn and Yonkers) at the end that were trimmed in Argosy. News of English suffragettes dismays the king in Argosy; by the time of the Pearson’s appearance, the reference was changed to the European war.
UK Pearson's-UK 1915/04   M2LB
Cupid and the Paint-Brush 03CP   UK Windsor 1903/04   -  
Cure of the Slackers, The see Reformation of Study Sixteen, The
Custody of the Pumpkin, The 24CP Blandings US Sat. Eve. Post 1924/11/29   (BCE) Magazine versions similar; Sir Gregory lives at Badgwick Hall. Book version significantly expanded, especially longer opening telescope scene and extra material in conversation with Mr. Donaldson including New Deal and President Roosevelt. “Male codfish” in book introduction transferred from Strand version of “Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best.”
UK Strand 1924/12  
Cuthbert Unexpectedly Clicks see Clicking of Cuthbert, The
Cynic, The 02CY   UK Scraps 1902/12/05   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Damon and Pythias 03DP   UK Punch 1903/04/22   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Dastardly Behaviour of Bashmead, The 03DB   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1903/11/19   - Short-short from “Vain Tales” series, about an unscrupulous wooer taking unfair advantage of a girl’s literary aspirations
Dear Old Squiffy 20DO Archie UK Strand 1920/05   (IA) Cosmopolitan version slightly abridged by the removal of a few sentences compared to Strand text. Transitional sentences added to opening paragraphs of Strand version to make Chapters VII and VIII of IA. I have not seen Golden Book.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/07   -
US Golden Book 1933/01   -
Death at the Excelsior 14DE   UK Pearson's-UK 1914/12 The Education of Detective Oakes - The 1915 American magazine version has now (as of Nov. 2015) become available at Madame Eulalie, and it seems clear that the first several chapters of the Pearson’s version (about 8,000 words long) are abridged by simple cuts from the longer American 1915 text (about 11,000 words), while the solution of the mystery and denouement are told quite differently in Pearson’s than in the American text. The Excelsior is on Long Island in the 1915 version, in Southampton in 1914 text. I have not examined the 1955 version in detail, but it changes the Excelsior to the Reefton boarding-house on Long Island and omits almost a column of text; it also appeared the same way in October 1955 in the UK edition of Saint, as well as in a French translation in March 1956 in Le Saint Detective Magazine.
US All-Story Cavalier Weekly 1915/03/13 The Harmonica Mystery
US The Saint Detective Mag. 1955/06 The Harmonica Mystery
US Ellery Queen 1978/05   UW PS1 Tony Ring, in Plum Lines, Autumn 2010, revealed that the Uncollected Wodehouse (1976) and EQMM (1978) version was a hybrid of the Pearson’s and Saint versions, edited together with a new title by David Jasen with the approval of Wodehouse before his death. [Thanks to Gus Caywood for bringing this to our attention.]
Début of Battling Billson, The 23DB Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/06   U First story in the Battling Billson saga. Magazines mention Addison Simms of Seattle in opening (not in books); this refers to magazine advertisements for a correspondence course for improving one’s memory. [New information added October 2017] All original versions spell Début with the accent; some reprints omit it.
UK Strand 1923/07  
Deep Waters 10DW theatre; swimming US Collier's 1910/05/28   - Set in Ocean City; characters have come from New York. Each version has some material not present in other, including football positions for leading actors in Collier’s. Play is nicknamed “The Pigskins.”
UK Strand 1910/06   MU SwO Set in Marvis Bay; characters have come from London. Has a few passages not in Collier’s, including first plunge of boat. Play is nicknamed “The Footpills.” SwO reprints Strand version although editor Jasen cites Collier’s as the source.
Delayed Exit of Claude and Eustace, The 22EC Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1922/10   (IJ) WJ All versions very similar; Cosmopolitan text is shorter by a few sentences; IJ version omits second paragraph of magazine versions: “I rather fancy I’ve touched on Claude and Eustace before...”, but WJ retains it.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/11   -
Deserter, The 05DE school UK Royal 1905/08   PS11 TWE  
Diary of a War-Time Honeymoon 16DW   US Vanity Fair-US 1916/05   - Short-short in diary form about an American couple in London in wartime, published under pen name of J. Walker Williams. [added June 2015]
Dinner of Herbs, The see Best Sauce, The
Disappearance of Podmarsh, The 15DP   US Vanity Fair-US 1915/06   - Short-short tall tale about a club bore.
Disentangling Old Duggie see Disentangling Old Percy
Disentangling Old Percy 12DO Reggie Pepper US Collier's 1912/03/30 Disentangling Old Duggie EJ Set in New York and near Philadelphia with American characters, including the Craye family who are rich but not titled, with Douglas Craye instead of the younger Percy. Many Americanisms not present in British text; slightly shorter at 5,841 words. McIlvaine erroneously has Collier’s date as April 30, 1912.
UK Strand 1912/08   PS2 Set in London and at Weeting with British family of Lord Worplesdon. Slightly longer at 5,934 words; much characteristic British slang in place of the Americanisms in Collier’s. Credited to P. G. Wodehouse and H. W. Westbrook.
US Golden Book 1934/10     I have not seen Golden Book version.
Diverting Episode of the Exiled Monarch, The see Episode of the Exiled Monarch, The
Division of Spoil, A 06DS school UK Captain 1906/09   TWE  
Doing Clarence a Bit of Good
(cf. Jeeves Makes an Omelette)
(cf. The Wigmore Venus)
13DC Reggie Pepper UK Strand 1913/05   M2LA MMJ EJ Set in England; somewhat longer at 5,456 words. All book versions very similar to Strand text.
US Pictorial Review 1914/04 Rallying Round Clarence - Set in America; rather shorter at 4,622 words, but contains material not in Strand version. EJ claims to be from Pictorial Review but actually reprints MMJ version precisely.
Doing Father a Bit of Good 20DF Archie UK Strand 1920/06 title in quotation marks (IA) Strand is somewhat longer version at 7,237 words, but Cosmopolitan, at 6,444 words, contains some material not in Strand. With some transitional matter added at beginning and end, the Strand version makes up chapters IX, X, and XI of IA.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/08   -
Dog-Eared Romance, A see Love Me, Love My Dog
Drama of To-morrow, A 02DT   UK London Echo 1902/12/13   - Short-short humorous sketch with indirectly described dialogue between named characters; mostly a description of an unproduced play. [added June 2015]
Dudley Is Back to Normal
(cf. Joy Bells for Barmy)
40DI Bobbie Wickham UK Strand 1940/07   PS8 Sequel to “The Awful Gladness of the Mater.” A booklet edition (5″x7.5″, 21 pages of text) exists in the Library of Congress, published by Doubleday, Doran & Co. in 1940, apparently in a very limited number of copies for the purpose of copyright registration in the USA; otherwise unpublished in America. Many themes reused in “Joy Bells for Barmy” with different characters.
Dudley Jones, Bore-Hunter
(cf. A New Profession)
03DJ Sherlock Holmes takeoff UK Punch 1903/04/29
  --> Reprinted as an appendix in His Last Bow, a volume of the Oxford Sherlock Holmes series (1993, OUP)
Editor Regrets, The 39ER Bingo Little US Sat. Eve. Post 1939/07/01   EBC TDC All versions substantially identical.
UK Strand 1939/09  
Educating Aubrey 11EA school UK London Magazine 1911/05   TWE  
Education of Detective Oakes, The see Death at the Excelsior
Egbert, Bull-Frog 14EB   UK Punch 1914/04/01   - Tall tale, somewhat in the style of Mark Twain. [added November 2013]
Eighteen-Carat Kid, The 13EC school UK Captain 1913/01-03   18K Novella about kidnapping, set at a preparatory school. Expanded, with a love interest for the schoolmaster narrator, into The Little Nugget (see novel page)
Eighteenth Hole, The 15EH golf US Vanity Fair-US 1915/08   --> In VF as by “Melrose Granger”. Third golf story, and last before introducing the Oldest Member as narrator. Collected in What Ho! The Best of P. G. Wodehouse (Hutchinson, 2000). A rewrite of the Jeremy Garnet/Professor Derrick golf match in Love Among the Chickens.
Episode of the Dog McIntosh 29JD JB, Bobbie Wickham UK Strand 1929/10 Jeeves and the Dog McIntosh VGJB Cosmopolitan and American book texts have a few phrases not in British book as well as a few small cuts and word substitutions. Sequel to “Jeeves and the Chump Cyril.” In VGJA as “Jeeves and the Dog McIntosh.”
US Cosmopolitan 1929/10 The Borrowed Dog VGJA
Episode of the Exiled Monarch, The
(A Man of Means, No. 5)
14EM Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/08   MMeans KBMM See 14LD for author credits. Pictorial Review text slightly abridged from 4,402 to 4,136 words by simple cuts without rewriting, although it has a few phrases not present in Strand. Titled “The Exiled Monarch” in MMeans
US Pictorial Review 1916/09 The Diverting Episode of the Exiled Monarch
Episode of the Financial Napoleon, The see Bolt from the Blue, The
Episode of the Hired Past, The
(A Man of Means, No. 6)
14HP Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/09   MMeans KBMM See 14LD for author credits. Pictorial Review text slightly longer at 4,565 words (4,503 in Strand), mostly in Teal’s description of Maud, otherwise very similar. Titled “The Hired Past” in MMeans
US Pictorial Review 1916/10  
Episode of the Landlady's Daughter, The see Landlady's Daughter, The
Episode of the Live Weekly, The
(A Man of Means, No. 4)
14LW Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/07   MMeans KBMM See 14LD for author credits. Pictorial Review text slightly abridged from 5,578 to 5,404 words by simple cuts without rewriting, although it has a few phrases not present in Strand. Titled “The Live Weekly” in MMeans
US Pictorial Review 1916/08  
Episode of the Theatrical Venture, The
(A Man of Means, No. 3)
14TV Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/06   MMeans KBMM See 14LD for author credits. Pictorial Review text somewhat abridged from 5,299 to 4,742 words by simple cuts without rewriting. Titled “The Theatrical Venture” in MMeans
US Pictorial Review 1916/07  
(cf. Joy Bells for Walter)
48EX golf US Argosy-US 1948/07 The Hazards of Horace Bewstridge (NS F! GO) Magazine version has shorter introduction than book versions; story is told in Oldest Member’s voice but without the framing conversation with the O.M. Other frequent small trims in magazine version as well. Basic idea reused in “Joy Bells for Walter.” Correction, January 2016: Argosy date is simply July 1948, not July 1st as in McIlvaine and other bibliographic sources.
Exiled Monarch, The see Episode of the Exiled Monarch, The
Exit of Battling Billson, The 23EB Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/12   U Third story in the Battling Billson saga. All versions very similar.
UK Strand 1924/01  
Exit of Claude and Eustace, The see Delayed Exit of Claude and Eustace, The
Explanation, The 02EX   UK London Echo 1902/10/10   - Short-short humorous sketch with dialogue between unnamed characters. [added June 2015]
Extricating Young Gussie 15EY Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1915/09/18   - virtually identical to book versions
UK Strand 1916/01   M2L EJ  
Fable, A 02AF   UK Punch 1902/10/08   - Short-short, more a political comment than a story, but does have dialogue. [added November 2013]
Fame 03FA theatre UK Vanity Fair-UK 1903/03/26   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Farewell to Legs 35FL golf US This Week 1935/07/14   - Omits Oldest Member framing introduction, and balance of story is substantially abridged, though with a few phrases and references not present in Strand.
UK Strand 1936/05   YMSA LEO GO  
Fat of the Land, The
(cf. Stylish Stouts)
58FL Freddie Widgeon US This Week 1958/11/02   (FQO TDC) Introduction to This Week version considerably shortened and altered compared to book text: sweep inaugurated some years ago by Catsmeat, barman Charles is the Human Scales, etc. Substantial abridgements and minor alterations to rest of text as well; Mrs. Delancy’s name is Mabel in This Week.
Fatal Kink in Algernon, The
(cf. Man Who Disliked Cats, The)
16FK   US Ladies' Home Journal 1916/01   - Same basic cat-hating situation as “The Man Who Disliked Cats” but almost completely rewritten: different characters from different countries, told in a different style and mostly from a different point of view. Jasen pairs them, as did Garrison in earlier editions; third edition of Who’s Who gives this a new code of 16FK. McIlvaine erroneously cites this as Woman’s Home Companion; Addendum to McIlvaine shows correct LHJ entry but does not note the mistaken WHC entry for deletion. Most sources wrongly omit “The” in title.
Fate 31FA Freddie Widgeon UK Strand 1931/05   YMS TDC Magazine versions differ by only a few words.
US Cosmopolitan 1931/05 Compromised! -
Feet of Clay 50FC golf US This Week 1950/06/18 A Slightly Broken Romance NS GO I have not seen This Week version.
Fiery Wooing of Mordred, The 34FW Mulliner US Cosmopolitan 1934/12   YMS Cr WM All versions similar; Strand text doesn’t mention the names of Tatler and Punch. Cosmopolitan is very slightly shorter from tiny trims; uses “kerosene” for “paraffin.”
UK Strand 1935/02  
Fifteenth Man, The 06FM rugby football UK Windsor 1906/12   -  
Final Test, The 02FT   UK Punch 1902/10/15   - Short-short fictional discussion on testing romance with the aid of music. [added November 2013]
First Aid for Dora 23FA Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/07   - Versions quite similar, but Cosmopolitan editor made several tiny changes, especially to modify strong language. Both US and UK books follow Strand.
UK Strand 1923/08   U
First Aid for Freddie see Sticky Wicket at Blandings
First Aid for Looney Biddle 20FA Archie UK Strand 1920/10   (IA) Cosmopolitan text longer (7,446 words) than Strand (7,111 words); Strand version (with additional small cuts and with the opening revised and expanded as a transition from previous chapters) adapted into chapters XIV and XV of IA.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/12 First Aid for Loony Biddle -
First Paying Guest, The 05FP   UK Punch 1905/06/14   - Story set in classical times. [added November 2013]
Fixing It for Freddie
(cf. Helping Freddie)
(cf. Unpleasantness at Kozy Kot)
25FF Jeeves & Bertie First appeared in Carry On, Jeeves! COJ Second appearance of this plot, originally a Reggie Pepper story, later a Drones story. Earlier editions of Garrison had 26FF code, with erroneous date.
CA Canadian Home Journal 1928/09  
Food for the Mind 03FM   UK Punch 1903/01/14   - Short-short fictional account of teaching schoolboys to cook. [added November 2013]
For Love or Honour 07FL   UK The Globe 1907/07/08-27   - Discovered by Karen Shotting in February 2014. A parody of the serial adventure thriller, in daily one-paragraph episodes in the “By The Way” column in the Globe evening newspaper, at a time when Wodehouse and Herbert Westbrook were writing the column, and apparently a collaborative effort of the two writers.
Franklin's Favorite Daughter see Back to the Garage
Freddie, Oofy and the Beef Trust 48FO Freddie Widgeon apparently first published in The Best of Wodehouse (Pocket Books, 1949) FQO TDC as “Oofy, Freddie and the Beef Trust” in FQOB and TDC
From a Detective's Notebook 59DN Mulliner UK Punch 1959/05/20   - Punch appearance is very close to the centenary of Arthur Conan Doyle’s birth on May 22, 1859; its version is slightly abridged near the close.
US Escapade 1960/02   WM WM version is identical to Escapade appearance. All versions narrated by Adrian Mulliner, not by his uncle Mr. Mulliner of the Anglers’ Rest.
US Ellery Queen 1975/02 Adrian Mulliner's Greatest Triumph   I have not seen EQMM.
Gala Night 30GN Mulliner US Cosmopolitan 1930/05   (MN) Third story in the Buck-U-Uppo saga, following “The Bishop’s Move.” In magazine versions, Augustine and Hypatia have both dosed the Bishop and Bishopess’s bedtime drinks; in book versions, Augustine suggests doing it tomorrow night but Hypatia has already done it. Otherwise all versions similar.
UK Strand 1930/06  
Gem Collector, The 09GC   US Ainslee's 1909/12   - Novella-length early version of A Gentleman of Leisure/The Intrusion of Jimmy (see novel page)
George and Alfred
(cf. Rallying Round Old George)
67GA Mulliner US Playboy 1967/01   PP WM Reworking of “Rallying Round Old George,” but with a real twin Alfred rather than an imaginary one. Unusually, Mr. Mulliner is a character in the central story rather than merely a narrator of events happening to his relatives. Story must have taken place before “The Rise of Minna Nordstrom” as Schnellenhamer is head of Colossal-Exquisite here. Magazine and book versions nearly identical; Playboy has “Take Cleopatra. Was there anything funny in that, except possibly Elizabeth Taylor?”; book omits last four words.
Ghost with Social Tastes, The 03GS ghost UK Punch 1903/08/12   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: II. [added November 2013]
Ghostly Cause Célèbre, A 03GC ghost UK Punch 1903/08/26   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: III. [added November 2013]
Ghost’s Point of View, The 03GP ghost UK Punch 1903/08/05   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: I. [added November 2013]
Go-Getter, The 31GG Blandings US Cosmopolitan 1931/03 Sales Resistance BCE All versions similar, but there are slight cuts distributed differently through the three versions. The Peke Fan-Toy in magazines has become Susan in the book, in tribute to the Wodehouses’ own Peke Susan, who died suddenly in 1930. Jasen and Garrison 2nd omitted “The” in the title; so did this page until December 2014 revision.
UK Strand 1931/08  
Goal-keeper and the Plutocrat, The
(cf. The Pro; The Pitcher and...)
12GK soccer UK Strand 1912/01   MU SwO Revision of “The Pitcher and the Plutocrat” in a British aristocratic family and a soccer context; theme first explored in “The Pro.” SwO erroneously titles it “The Goal-Keeper and Plutocrat”—which could be read as meaning one person with both job descriptions.
Golden Flaw, The see Colour Line, The
Gone Wrong 32GW   see remarks column at right --> --> in The Cecil Aldin Book (Eyre & Spottiswode, 1932)
Good Angel, The 10GA Keggs UK Strand 1910/02   MU UW set in England; features Martin Rossiter
US Cosmopolitan 1910/02 The Matrimonial Sweepstakes - set in America; slightly longer; features Marvin Rossiter; first mention of “Lord Emsworth”
US Illustrated Love Magazine 1933/10 Roses for Gentlemen - features Martin Rossiter; significantly adapted/rewritten from Strand text
Good Cigar Is a Smoke, A 67GC   US Playboy 1967/12   PP Magazine and book versions generally similar, but many small cuts and minor revisions in wording; each has material not present in the other.
Good-bye to All Cats 34GB Freddie Widgeon US Cosmopolitan 1934/11 Good-by to All Cats YMS TDC  
UK Strand 1934/12  
Great Fat Uncle Contest, The see Stylish Stouts
Great Sermon Handicap, The 22SH Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1922/06   (IJ) WJ opening rewritten for IJ as a transition from previous chapter; WJ follows Strand text
US Cosmopolitan 1922/06   - One minor cut (missing “One of the things...breakfast in bed.”) otherwise essentially identical to Strand text.
Guardian, The 08GU school UK Windsor 1908/09   SwO TWE McIlvaine erroneously had this in October 1908, as did this page until March 2017.
US Short Stories 1908/08   --> Appearance noted in FictionMags Index; now (April 2020) available at Madame Eulalie. Not in McIlvaine or Addendum, but listed in Arthur Robinson’s addenda. Only minor differences of wording, punctuation, etc. from familiar British text. Reprinted from the same plates in the anthology Golden Stories (New York: The Short Stories Company, Ltd. [later taken over by Doubleday, Page & Co.], 1909).
UK Novel Magazine 1920/09 Looking After Thomas - Identified by Richard Fidczuk of the FictionMags Index team from magazine table of contents; unearthed by Karen Shotting at the University of North Carolina library. Only minor revisions from the Windsor text; one new illustration by Thomas Henry. [added here and to Madame Eulalie, March 2018]
Happy Marriage, The 03HM   UK Punch 1903/12/09   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Harmonica Mystery, The see Death at the Excelsior
Harrison's Slight Error 03HS school UK Captain 1903/01   TSA  
Hats Off to Algernon erroneous title; see The Ordeal of Bingo Little and Leave It to Algy
Hazards of Horace Bewstridge, The see Excelsior
Heart of a Goof, The 23HG golf US Red Book 1923/09   - All versions similar until the close. Red Book version has unique Americanisms (“You’re dern tooting” instead of “You bet”) and minor cuts; the last sentence of the British version (“folded...interlocking grip”) appears a few paragraphs earlier in Red Book, after “Darling! cried Ferdinand.”
UK Strand 1924/04   HG F!
Heel of Achilles, The 21HA golf UK Strand 1921/11   CC F! All versions similar and set in America at Wissahicky Glen. Minor variants: coin lost by McTavish; odds on McTavish vs. Robinson; college background of Oldest Member; specific towns (“Chicago multi-millionaire” only in CCA; Amateur Championship “up North” in Strand rather than Detroit), etc. Four different testimonials to Flesho. GO follows CC. F! follows CCA.
US Chicago Tribune; St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1922/06/11  
Helping Freddie
(cf. Fixing It for Freddie)
(cf. Unpleasantness at Kozy Kot)
11HF Reggie Pepper UK Strand 1911/09   MMJ EJ Initial appearance of this plot; rewritten for Bertie as “Fixing It for Freddie” and for Drones as “Unpleasantness at Kozy Kot.” Strand version has three sentences of Reggie Pepper’s self-introduction in paragraph 3, not present in MMJ. EJ version is identical to MMJ, and much different from Pictorial Review version, which it claims to reprint. See “Absent Treatment” above. Both magazines have material not present in the other version, but Pictorial Review is slightly longer at 5,432 words compared with 5,274 for Strand, and there are many bits of American slang that were Anglicized for Strand readers.
US Pictorial Review 1912/03 Lines and Business -
Hero and His Price, The 05HP   UK Punch 1905/07/19   - Short-short about rescues for a price. [added November 2013]
Hero's Reward, The second half of IJ version of Scoring Off Jeeves
Hidden Treasure see Buried Treasure
High Stakes 25HS golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/09/19   - The main story of all versions takes place in America, but only in SEP is the Oldest Member introduction set in America (Perkins and Broster wager in dollars); in all other versions the Perkins-Broster wager is in pounds. Followed by “Keeping In with Vosper.”
UK Strand 1925/10   HG F!
Hired Past, The see Episode of the Hired Past, The
Homœopathic Treatment 04HT school UK Royal 1904/08   TWE Boys’ Life version very similar to Royal in a first-glance comparison of opening scenes. Boys’ Friend added April 2020 from Addendum information; not yet seen.
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/12/09
Scent Per Scent
US Boys’ Life 1931/04
Homeopathic Treatment
Honeysuckle Cottage 25HC   US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/01/24   - Opening ghosts/goats conversation is between James Rodman and narrator in 1925 magazine versions. After “James’s first impressions” all versions proceed similarly.
UK Strand 1925/02  
Mulliner US Fantasy & SF 1958/12   MMM VW Mr. Mulliner frame added for 1927 MMM book version; slight expansions elsewhere. Terry Mordue noted that Mr. Mulliner talks only with the narrator of the opening scene; there are no other drinkers and the Anglers’ Rest is not mentioned.
How Papa Swore in Hindustani see When Papa Swore in Hindustani "How..." erroneously listed in McIlvaine and Garrison 2nd
How Payne Bucked Up 02HP school
UK Captain 1902/10   TSA Misspelled “Paine” in Jasen and Garrison 2nd, as well as in Wodehouse’s own account book; thanks to Michael Thompson for spotting that I’d carried over their error.
How Pillingshot Scored 03HP school UK Captain 1903/05   TSA Scott refers to real-life cricketer Gilbert Jessop (active 1894–1914) in the 1903 versions; in Greyfriars the reference is changed to Jack Hobbs (active 1905–1934). The original “run over to Germany and kill the Kaiser” is changed to “run over to Constantinople and kill the Sultan.”
UK Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926 How Pillingshot Scored! -
How's That, Umpire? 50HT cricket Apparently first published in Nothing Serious NS WW Ian Michaud notes that this anti-cricket story was rather surprisingly included in WW.
How to Break into Society 16HT   US Vanity Fair-US 1916/05   - Printed pseudonymously as “By Pelham Grenville”; a one-act dramatic dialogue of blackmail. [added December 2014]
Idle King, The 03IK   UK Sunday Magazine 1903/05   - An unusual moral tale, in once-upon-a-time style, about the value of hard work.
I'll Give You Some Advice see Tangled Hearts
In Alcala 11IA   US People’s Magazine 1909/11   - Possibly Wodehouse’s most serious romantic tale, with elements of realism rarely touched upon elsewhere. The rare US appearance in the Street & Smith pulp People’s Magazine is now [April 2020] available at Madame Eulalie, with some significant differences in wording from the familiar British text, including additional clarity in Peggy’s confession.
UK London Magazine 1911/12   MU
Indian Summer of an Uncle 30IS Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1930/03   VGJ “The Indian Summer of an Uncle” in VGJA. Slight cuts in US versions and Strand.
US Cosmopolitan 1930/03  
Inferiority Complex of Old Sippy, The 26IC Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1926/04   (VGJ) Strand version is the longest, at 6,057 words; both book versions are about 5,700 words. Liberty text abridged to 4,878 words. Followed by “Jeeves and the Love that Purifies.”
US Liberty 1926/04/17   -
International Affair, An
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 6)
05IA school UK Captain 1905/09   SwO TWE  
Intrepid Aeronauts, The 06IA   UK World 1906/10/09   - Short-short about balloonists. [added December 2015]
Introducing Claude and Eustace first half of IJ version of Sir Roderick Comes To Lunch
It Was Only a Fire see Story of William, The
Jackson's Dip see Afternoon Dip, An
Jackson's Extra 04JE school UK Royal 1904/06   PS11 TWE  
Jane Gets Off the Fairway 24JG golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1924/10/25   HG Sequel to “Rodney Fails to Qualify”; followed by “The Purification of Rodney Spelvin” and “Rodney Has a Relapse”
UK Strand 1924/11  
Jeeves and the Blighter spurious title; see notes to Sir Roderick Comes To Lunch
Jeeves and the Chump Cyril 18JC Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1918/06/08   - Magazine versions very similar. Producer is Blumenfeld in SEP, otherwise Blumenfield. A notable difference: “One of these days the clan will go hurting somebody” is said by Cyril in Strand and by someone else in SEP, a line omitted altogether in IJ. Transition added (2nd & 3rd paragraphs of “A Letter of Introduction”) for IJ, plus a few other interpolations and deletions. For IJ, split into two chapters: A Letter of Introduction/Startling Dressiness of a Lift Attendant. EJ claims to be SEP text but follows IJ. “Episode of the Dog McIntosh” is a sequel of sorts.
UK Strand 1918/08   (IJ EJ)
Jeeves and the Dog McIntosh see Episode of the Dog McIntosh
Jeeves and the Greasy Bird 65JG Jeeves & Bertie US Playboy 1965/12   - Magazine versions essentially identical, and, at 5,379 words, much shorter than book versions (14,576 words in Plum Pie), which have several pages of introduction before the point at which the magazine story begins. Ian Michaud notes that in magazines, Madeline Bassett and Roderick Spode play the roles taken by Honoria Glossop and Blair Eggleston in the book versions, which are now assigned the new code of 66JG. Also, 66JG must take place before Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit/Bertie Wooster Sees It Through, as Aunt Dahlia is still running Milady’s Boudoir.
UK Argosy 1967/01  
66JG rewritten for Plum Pie PP WJ
Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg 17JH Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1917/03/03   - SEP version differs from British text only in a few words (e.g. “high ball”/“drink”) and slight detail; all versions extremely similar; EJ follows MMJ though it claims to be from SEP.
UK Strand 1917/08   MMJ COJ EJ
Jeeves and the Impending Doom 26JI Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1926/12   VGJ Liberty version slightly abridged. In VGJA only, Robert the spaniel is replaced by the terrier McIntosh. In WJ, Purvis the butler has been renamed Benson.
US Liberty 1927/01/08   -
Jeeves and the Kid Clementina 30JK Jeeves, Bertie, Bobbie Wickham UK Strand 1930/01   VGJB American magazine and book versions have extra sentences on Bertie’s plus fours giving him confidence, and an extra passage on generous and high-spirited natures, but lack the reference to New York express elevators. Other minor differences between American and British texts. Clementina’s school is St. Ethelburga’s except in British book, where it is named St. Monica’s.
US Cosmopolitan 1930/01   VGJA
Jeeves and the Love That Purifies 29JL Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1929/11   VGJB British book generally reprints Strand version; American book has Cosmopolitan text, slightly abridged by a few sentences from British text and with tiny insertions. Young Thos. is thirteen in all but British book, where he is fourteen. British book misspells “Lilian” Gish. Neither version spells Fenimore Cooper’s Chingachgook correctly. Hitchcock’s version is essentially identical to the British book text. Follows “The Inferiority Complex of Old Sippy”; titled in VGJB as “The Love that Purifies.”
US Cosmopolitan 1929/11   VGJA
US Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine 1987/07    
Jeeves and the Old School Chum 30JO Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1930/02   - All versions very similar; Strand has a few cuts not in other versions. In opening, where British book has “heart-throb fiction,” Strand has “muck” and American versions have nothing, merely saying “writing for the masses.”
US Cosmopolitan 1930/02   VGJ
Jeeves and the Song of Songs 29JS Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1929/09   VGJB All versions similar; British book reprints Strand version; American book has Cosmopolitan text. Each has a few sentences or phrases not present in the other; there is also more substitution or replacement of words and short phrases than is usual. Cora hits Tuppy in the left eye only in Strand, matching the illustration by Charles Crombie; all other versions have the right eye.
US Cosmopolitan 1929/09 The Song of Songs VGJA
Jeeves and the Spot of Art 29SA Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1929/12   VGJB Only tiny differences between British and American versions, but book follows magazine in each country. Titled in VGJB as “The Spot of Art.”
US Cosmopolitan 1929/12   VGJA
Jeeves and the Stolen Venus see Jeeves Makes an Omelette
Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest 16JU Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1916/12/09   - All versions similar; SEP mentions Jerome D. Kern as the wearer of the Country Gentleman hat and has other minor differences. EJ claims to be SEP version but follows Strand and MMJ exactly. Some changes for COJ: “one of the scaliest affairs”, “I was still in New York...”, “White House Wonder” and “Broadway Special” hats, etc. WJ follows COJ but shortens opening a bit.
UK Strand 1917/03   MMJ EJ (COJ)
Jeeves and the Yule-Tide Spirit 27JY Jeeves, Bertie, Bobbie Wickham UK Strand 1927/12   VGJB VW American book follows Liberty, both somewhat abridged from British text. Scholastic version is further cut from Liberty text.
US Liberty 1927/12/24 ...Yuletide... VGJA
US Scholastic 1939/01/07 ...Yuletide... -
Jeeves Exerts the Old Cerebellum first half of IJ version of Jeeves in the Springtime
Jeeves in the Springtime 21JS Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1921/12 ...Spring-Time... WJ
WJ follows Strand substantially. As the first story in IJ, opening much expanded and rearranged; split into two chapters: Jeeves Exerts the Old Cerebellum/No Wedding Bells for Bingo. EJ claims to be from Cosmopolitan but follows IJ.
US Cosmopolitan 1921/12   - All versions nearly similar, but Cosmopolitan has a few sentences not present in any other version, so presumed closer to PGW’s original. First appearance of Bingo Little.
Jeeves Makes an Omelette
(cf. Doing Clarence a Bit of Good)
(cf. The Wigmore Venus)
59JM Jeeves & Bertie CA Star Weekly 1958/08/02   FQO WJ Title is “Jeeves Makes an Omelet” in FQOA; a late revision of a Reggie Pepper plot for Jeeves and Bertie. Star Weekly and Lilliput versions are both much shorter than book version, though different cuts in each. I have not seen EQMM or Argosy. The events of this story take place before Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit/Bertie Wooster Sees It Through, as Aunt Dahlia had not yet sold Milady’s Boudoir at the time of this story. According to Tony Ring, Everard Fothergill’s painting is titled “Jocund Spring” in EQMM and Lilliput, the title it had in “Doing Clarence a Bit of Good” earlier.
US Ellery Queen 1959/08 Jeeves and the Stolen Venus
UK Lilliput 1959/02  
UK Argosy 1972/07  
Jeeves Takes Charge 16JT Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1916/11/18   - Magazine versions slightly different; opening rewritten for COJ, which is reprinted in WJ and EJ (even though EJ claims to follow SEP version). Magazines both have “dark meat-sauce” in Jeeves’s pick-me-up recipe rather than the familiar Worcester sauce, as in books (noted by Karen Shotting).
UK Strand 1923/04   (COJ EJ)
Jeeves the Blighter see Sir Roderick Comes To Lunch
Job of Work, A
(cf. The Peer Who Worked)
13JW boxing UK Strand 1913/01   PS5 Longer (7,090 words); Freddie is Lord Freddie Bowen, an Englishman
US Collier's 1913/09/06   - Shorter (5,980 words) but contains some passages not in Strand version; Freddie is Freddie Bingham, an American of independent means
Joe 07JO cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1907/05   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Joke and a Sequel, A 03JS ghost UK Punch 1903/10/07   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: VII. [added November 2013]
Joy Bells for Barmy
(cf. Dudley Is Back to Normal; The Right Approach)
47JB Drones UK Carnival 1946/11 A Wedding Has Been Arranged - Shortened version of this story. [added April 2013]
US Cosmopolitan 1947/10 Joy Bells for Barmy PS7 Starring Eustace “Barmy” Fotheringay-Phipps; much the same story as told by Mr. Mulliner about Augustus Mulliner in “The Right Approach,” with many identically worded passages. Coded 47RA in earlier editions of Garrison. Many themes adapted from “Dudley Is Back to Normal” with different characters. The Potter-Phipps binge is also reworked into chapters 5 and 6 of the novel Barmy in Wonderland, with some significant modifications, especially that Miss Brimble in the novel is engaged to Potter and breaks it off because of his drinking.
Joy Bells for Walter
(cf. Excelsior)
56JB golf US This Week 1956/10/07 Keep Your Temper, Walter - Magazine versions similar, though with some substitution of names and localities; a simplified reworking of “Excelsior.” Book version (newly coded 59JB) is somewhat longer and has more name changes. Not included in GO, presumably because of repeated material. Correction, November 2017: This Week date is the 7th, not the 17th, of October 1956.
UK John Bull 1957/02/16 Keep Your Temper, Walter
59JB rewritten for A Few Quick Ones FQOAB
Juice of an Orange, The 33JO Mulliner
UK Strand 1933/02   BCE WM All versions similar; American version has slight cuts but also a few phrases not present in British versions.
US American 1933/02 Love on a Diet  
Keep Your Temper, Walter see Joy Bells for Walter
Keeping In with Vosper 26KI golf UK Strand 1926/03   HG Liberty version slightly shortened, but Strand has a few small cuts in other places too. Sequel to “High Stakes”
US Liberty 1926/03/13   -
Keeping It from Cuthbert see Keeping It from Harold
Keeping It from Harold 13KI boxing UK Strand 1913/12   - Set in England; slightly shorter and with minor revisions for British setting, but substantially similar to first American version.
US Illustrated Sunday Magazine 1914/04/26   Set in New York; very similar to Strand version but longer in a few places and at a guess closer to PGW’s original version.
26KC US Liberty 1926/02/27 Keeping It from Cuthbert Set in South London; though claimed to be “written exclusively for Liberty” it is much the same as the earlier Strand version, with Harold renamed Cuthbert, Major Percy in the “Army of Faith, Hope, and Charity” rather than the Salvation Army, Bill planning to fight a Frenchman named Dubois, and some rewording here and there.
Kid Brady—Light-Weight:
How he Made His Début
05BL boxing US Pearson's-US 1905/09   KBMM  
How Kid Brady Assisted a Damsel in Distress 06BA boxing US Pearson's-US 1906/03   KBMM  
How Kid Brady Broke Training 05BB boxing US Pearson's-US 1905/11   KBMM  
How Kid Brady Fought for His Eyes 06BF boxing US Pearson's-US 1906/07   KBMM  
How Kid Brady Joined the Press 06BJ boxing US Pearson's-US 1906/05   KBMM  
How Kid Brady Took a Sea Voyage 07BT boxing US Pearson's-US 1907/03   KBMM Printed in magazine as “By P. S. Wodehouse”
How Kid Brady Won the Championship 06BW boxing US Pearson's-US 1906/01   KBMM  
Kind-Hearted Editor, The 08KH   UK Throne and Country 1908/12/05   -  
Kink in His Character, A see Ordeal By Golf
Knightly Quest of Mervyn, The 31KQ Freddie Widgeon US Cosmopolitan 1931/04 Quest - The magazine versions are similar to each other, and begin completely differently from Mulliner book version, with Drones planning a carol-singing group, and a Crumpet telling why Freddie Widgeon won’t be in the mood for song. The Crumpet can’t remember the girl’s name. Each magazine version has phrases not present in the other, although Strand is a bit longer.
UK Strand 1931/07 Quest
33KQ Mulliner rewritten for Mulliner Nights MN Angler’s Rest opening quotes Wodehouse’s lyric “Sir Galahad” from Leave It to Jane (1917) to introduce the knightly quest discussion. Mr. Mulliner tells the story about Mervyn Mulliner and Clarice Mallaby. New code of 33KQ applies to book version.
L'Affaire Uncle John 01AF school UK Public School Magazine 1901/08   TSA  
Ladies and Gentlemen v. Players 08LG Joan Romney
UK Windsor 1908/08   WW  
Landlady's Daughter, The
(A Man of Means, No. 1)
14LD Roland Bleke UK Strand 1914/04   MMeans KBMM For entire series, “By C. H. Bovill and P. G. Wodehouse” in Strand; “By Pelham Grenville Wodehouse and C. H. Bovill” in Pictorial Review. Magazine versions differ by only a few words.
US Pictorial Review 1916/05 The Episode of the Landlady's Daughter
Last Instance, The 03LI   UK Punch 1903/04/01   - Short-short about journalism and wedding proposals. [added November 2013]
Last Place, The
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 5)
05LP school UK Captain 1905/08   TWE  
Leave It to Algy
(cf. The Ordeal of Bingo Little)
59LA Bingo Little UK John Bull 1959/05/16   (FQO TDC) Book version in A Few Quick Ones combines wording from “The Ordeal of Bingo Little” and the John Bull magazine version, themselves very different in length, plot details, and one character name, although book plot is closer to John Bull plot. In addition, book version is expanded with descriptive passages and nifties not in either source version. Earlier editions of Garrison used the code 54LA for this story.
Leave It to Jeeves see Artistic Career of Corky, The
Letter of Introduction, A first half of IJ version of Jeeves and the Chump Cyril
Letter of the Law, The 36LL golf UK Strand 1936/04   YMSA LEO GO Redbook story has a few Americanisms where all other versions have identical British equivalents, and has some cuts, name changes, as well as a few words omitted from other editions; otherwise all versions substantially identical. June 2013: Thanks to Krishnamurthy Ganapathy for noticing a longstanding error in the Redbook cross-reference, apparently copied from Jasen by all other sources including this page until now. Coupling this story with “A Triple Threat Man” was mistaken.
US Redbook 1936/04 Not Out of Distance -
Level Business Head, The 26LB Ukridge UK Strand 1926/05   LEO EBCA Liberty version has some slight cuts and one substantial one (where Ukridge learns from the barman about the raffle), but has some phrases not present in other editions.
US Liberty 1926/05/08   -
Life with Freddie 66LF Blandings First appeared in Plum Pie PP Novella-length story (roughly 20,000 words), with many familiar themes from earlier stories and novels revisited. Missing from Coronet 1978 paperback edition of PP.
Lines and Business see Helping Freddie
Live Weekly, The see Episode of the Live Weekly, The
Locksley Lines Supplying Trust, Ltd., The see Corner in Lines, A
Long Arm of Looney Coote, The 23LA Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/11   - Versions mostly similar, but Cosmopolitan has a paragraph on plaster casts of ancient Greeks, omitted in other versions (noted by Arthur Robinson); a partial paragraph on Corky’s resolve never to run for Parliament, also unique to this version; and it omits the middle of the riot scene (from “Everybody seemed…” to “…in the field” of the British text); one of the omitted sentences was used as a caption to an illustration, showing that the omission was the Cosmopolitan editor’s and not Wodehouse’s (noted by Ananth Kaitharam and Ian Michaud). A few word substitutions (e.g. idiot for ass, deuce for devil, flivver for Ford) were probably the work of the Cosmopolitan editor as well.
UK Strand 1923/12   U
Long Hole, The 21LH golf UK Strand 1921/08   CC Though Strand was printed first, it seems clear that McClure’s text was written first; set in Long Island and New York; slightly longer and more consistent with real geography. Also both versions mention a “private cellar” which suggests Prohibition America. American text is about Rollo Bingham, Otis Jukes, and Amelia Trivett; they’re Ralph, Arthur, and Amelia (in Strand) or Amanda (in British books) respectively in England. [Names corrected January 2016.] British version slightly cut; one instance of “sound” is changed to “lake” but the other isn’t. I have been unable to find a Leigh, Woodfield, Little Hadley, Bayside, etc. within sixteen miles of each other.
US McClure's 1922/03   CCA F!
Looking After Thomas see Guardian, The
Lord Emsworth Acts for the Best 26LE Blandings UK Strand 1926/06   BCE Liberty version considerably cut by simple omissions of sentences or paragraphs; all details of Freddie’s scenario and last scene at Blandings omitted. Book version has a few tiny trims from Strand text.
US Liberty 1926/06/05   -
Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend 28EG Blandings US Liberty 1928/10/06   - Liberty version has slight cuts. Book text has few minor rewordings from magazine versions, and has one short paragraph (rock cake) missing from them.
UK Strand 1928/11   BCE VW
Lost Bowlers, The 05LB James Innes
UK Strand 1905/09   - Gus Caywood reports that the US Strand appearance apparently reprints the UK version of one month earlier from the same plates. Verified by HathiTrust scan.
US Strand [US] 1905/10   -
Love Birds see Nodder, The
Love Me, Love My Dog 10LM Keggs US Hampton's 1910/07 The Watch Dog - earliest buzzer character, Lord Bertie Fendall; Home version identical to Hampton’s version; very similar to Strand version except that Strand text is set outside London and American versions are set outside New York. British and American texts each have a few sentences not present in the other.
UK Strand 1910/08 “Love Me, Love My Dog.” PS4
US Home 1931/08 A Dog-Eared Romance -
US Green Book 1933/08 The Watch Dog - Quarterly pulp magazine; “No. 3” on cover; “Vol. I No. 3, August 1933” on contents page
Love on a Diet see Juice of an Orange, The
Love that Purifies, The see Jeeves and the Love That Purifies
Love-r-ly Silver Cup, The see At Geisenheimer's
Luck of the Stiffhams, The 33LS Drones US Cosmopolitan 1933/11   YMS TDC Cosmopolitan is very slightly cut by omission of single words or sentences here and there; Strand version has one paragraph and one phrase omitted. Book versions are complete and essentially similar.
UK Strand 1934/03  
Magic Plus Fours, The 22MP golf UK Strand 1922/12   HG  
US Red Book 1923/01 The Plus Fours - Except for changing the surnames of the Cohen Bros. to Carlock and Isidore to Alfred, this is substantially identical to the Strand version, with only minor editorial alterations. Correction, Sept. 2013: Red Book title begins with “The”, which has been omitted by McIlvaine, Garrison 2nd, and other information sources.
Making of Mac's, The 15MM   UK Strand 1915/05   M2L Set in London; some Americanisms and inconsistencies suggest that this may possibly be edited from an American-set original even though it was the first to be printed.
US Red Book 1916/05 The Romance of "Mac's" - Set in New York; each version has a slight amount of material not in the other, and there are frequent substitutions of words (especially slang terms), but the basic story is otherwise identically told.
Man, the Maid, and the Miasma, The 10MM   UK Grand 1910/02   MU Set in London; a few minor American references retained; 4,492 words.
US Cosmopolitan 1910/06   - Set in New York; no British references, so assumed to be closer to PGW’s original version. Very slightly longer at 4,514 words, though each version has phrases not found in the other.
Man Upstairs, The 10MU   UK Strand 1910/03   MU UW set in Chelsea (London)
US Cosmopolitan 1910/03 The Man Up-stairs - set in Washington Square, New York City; very slightly longer and a bit more internally consistent than Strand version, so at a guess closer to PGW’s original
US Serenade 1934/04   - set in Chelsea (London), apparently following the Strand text, based on opening pages, even though Serenade was a US magazine (a continuation of the Illustrated Love Magazine).
Man Who Disliked Cats, The
(cf. Fatal Kink in Algernon, The)
12MC   UK Strand 1912/05   MU  
Man Who Gave Up Smoking, The 29GU Mulliner UK Strand 1929/03   MMS Liberty version has a few tiny cuts.
US Liberty 1929/03/23   -
Man Who Married an Hotel, The 20MH Archie UK Strand 1920/03   (IA) Each magazine version, though similar, has material not present in the other. Introductory paragraphs omitted in chapter I of book, which begins with Archie addressing the desk clerk; some backstory added later in the form of dialogue. Magazine story continues in chapters II & III of book along with other material; the story of Salvatore the waiter is interspersed through chapters IX and XI and concluded in chapter XVI.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/05 The Man Who Married a Hotel
Man with Two Left Feet, The 16TL   US Sat. Eve. Post 1916/03/18   - Magazine versions very similar, but a few differing phrases and wording changes between American and British versions. Minnie’s surname is misprinted as Hall upon first mention in book versions, but reverts to Hill later in the story, as it is throughout in magazines.
UK Strand 1916/05   M2L
Manoeuvres of Charteris, The 03MC school
UK Captain 1903/08-09   TSA Greyfriars version is very slightly cut.
UK Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1927 Out of Bounds! -
Man’s Inhumanity to Boy 04MI school UK Punch 1904/04/13   - Narrative among heroes of classic boys’ stories discussing school punishment. [added November 2013]
Masked Troubadour, The 36MT   US Sat. Eve. Post 1936/11/28 Reggie and the Greasy Bird PS9 Rewritten with character and setting changes; see Tony Ring’s introduction to Plum Stones, book 9.
Freddie Widgeon UK Strand 1936/12   LEO CWB TDC Original version of story.
Matrimonial Sweepstakes, The see Good Angel, The
Metropolitan Touch, The 22MT Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1922/09   IJ All versions nearly identical, except that in Strand, the wording of the “What Ho, Twing!” poster is sketchily visible in an illustration rather than set out in the story text.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/09  
Mike's Little Brother 13ML   UK Pall Mall 1913/10   - A strange little tale of Irish immigrants in New York City, with more stereotyping than usual.
Military Invasion of America, The 15MI   US Vanity Fair-US 1915/07-08   - Revision of the novel The Swoop!; reprinted in 2013 Everyman edition of The Swoop & The Military Invasion of America.
Missing Mystery, The see Strychnine in the Soup
Mr. McGee's Big Day 50MM   US Ellery Queen 1950/11   PS1  
Mr. Mulliner, Private Detective see The Smile That Wins
Mr. Potter Takes a Rest Cure 26PT Bobbie Wickham US Liberty 1926/01/23 The Rest Cure BCE All versions very similar.
UK Strand 1926/02  
Mr. Watson’s Autograph see The Autograph Hunters
Misunderstood 10MI crime US Burr McIntosh Monthly 1910/05   - Original, longer version, set in the New York Bowery of Bat Jarvis and the Groome Street Gang as in Psmith, Journalist; the altercation scene beginning “Alas! the next moment” is adapted from a scene in that Psmith novel, which had so far appeared only as a serial in The Captain.
UK Nash's 1910/05   UW Much shortened and moved to London setting, with most names changed
(A Story of the Stone Age)
14MI UK Punch 1914/01/07   - Stone Age romance of pre-alphabet love letters. [added November 2013]
Mixed Threesome, A 20MT golf US McClure's 1920/06   - Set vaguely in America (most notably mentioning New York subway and American golfers as namesakes of hypothetical future children). Omits Oldest Member introduction, but is told in his voice beginning “Mortimer Sturgis, when I first knew him...” Much longer second paragraph about Mortimer and Betty, mentioning that she was a golfer and he wasn’t; this motivation is cut in all other versions. Other textual differences are just a phrase here and there.
UK Strand 1921/03   CC F! Set vaguely in England (mentioning British money, London Tube, and British golfers as namesakes of hypothetical future children). CC essentially identical; CCA mentions New York subway, but retains British golfer names at end and otherwise follows British text. GO follows CC; F! follows CCA.
Mixer, The: He Meets a Shy Gentleman 15TM dog UK Strand 1915/11 The Mixer M2LB Set in London and in Kent; apparently edited from US original. “Eighth Avenue saloon” is usually changed to “East-end public-house” but one mention of “saloon” remains. Dog is pure white with one black eye. A few sentences are here that are not present in the Red Book version.
US Red Book 1916/06 A Very Shy Gentleman - Set in New York and on Long Island; slightly longer and apparently somewhat closer to PGW’s original. Dog is jet black, with a white chest.
Mixer, The: He Moves in Society 15MS dog UK Strand 1915/12 The Mixer M2LB As with the first Mixer story, re-set to England and shortened very slightly from an apparently American original, with many Americanisms changed to blander British wording.
US Red Book 1916/07 Breaking into Society - Set in America, with many American turns of phrase which must be original with PGW; very slightly longer than UK version.
Modern Fairy Story, A 03MF   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1903/06/25   - Short-short from “Vain Tales” series, an updating of the old “three wishes” legend. [added July 2012]
Monkey Business 32MB Mulliner
UK Strand 1932/12   BCE WM with Mervyn Mulliner in magazine version (changed to Montrose in books) and Oxford-educated gorilla
US American 1932/12 A Cagey Gorilla - with Mervyn Mulliner and Harvard-educated gorilla; very similar to Strand version, with a few references changed (e.g. Brown Derby to Green Fedora, Small Bass to Small Beer), and one paragraph on the lot of assistant directors and part of a sentence on backlot sets cut.
Mother's Knee 20MK Archie UK Strand 1920/11 “Mother’s Knee” (IA) Both magazine appearances include the quotation marks in the story title, as it refers to the title of a song in the story. Cosmopolitan version is slightly abridged by simple cuts. Only minor transitional material added to form chapters XXIII and XXIV of book.
US Cosmopolitan 1921/01 “Mother’s Knee” -
Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo 26MB Mulliner US Liberty 1926/09/04   - First in the Augustine Mulliner/Buck-U-Uppo series; followed by “The Bishop’s Move.” Liberty version is slightly cut, but has a paragraph about bad boy Tom Poffley not present in other versions.
UK Strand 1926/11   MMM
US Fantasy & SF 1955/12   -
My Cricket Drama 03CD cricket UK Punch 1903/09/02   - Playlet with author’s introduction. [added November 2013]
My Draper’s Opera 04DO   UK Punch 1904/09/07
  - Scenario and lyrics for “Revival of Native Grand Opera: II.” [added November 2013]
My Medical Opera 04MO   UK Punch 1904/08/31   - Scenario and lyrics for “Revival of Native Grand Opera: I.” [added November 2013]
New Advertising, The 06NA   UK Pearson's-UK 1906/03   - A humorous sketch told in story form, so worth including. [added June 2015]
New Disease—Dementia Warstocks, The 16ND   US Vanity Fair-US 1916/02   - A humorous sketch about wartime investments told in story form, so worth including. Published under pen name “J. Plum, M.D., LL.D.” [added June 2015]
New Line, A 05NL   UK Pearson's-UK 1905/11   - Short-short about burgling on contract to remove unwanted presents. Germ of idea reused in “Doing Clarence a Bit of Good” and “Jeeves Makes an Omelette.” [added July 2012]
New Profession, A
(cf. Dudley Jones, Bore-Hunter)
02NP   UK London Echo 1902/12/13   - Short-short about squelching bores. [added June 2015]
New System, The 03NS   UK Punch 1903/01/28   - Short-short regarding office humour. [added November 2013]
No Wedding Bells for Bingo second half of IJ version of Jeeves in the Springtime
No Wedding Bells for Him 23NW Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/10   - Each magazine version has a few sentences not present in the other; book follows Strand.
UK Strand 1923/11   U
Noblesse Oblige 34NO Freddie Widgeon US Cosmopolitan 1934/09   - Each magazine version has a few sentences not present in the other; books follow Strand.
UK Strand 1934/11   YMS TDC
Nodder, The 33NO Mulliner
UK Strand 1933/01   (BCE WM) Each magazine version has material not present in the other, though Strand is the longer; book version cut somewhat from Strand text.
US American 1933/01 Love Birds
Not Out of Distance see Letter of the Law, The Cross-reference corrected June 2013
Novelist’s Day, A 06ND   UK Punch 1906/05/30   - Narrative about a writer of thrilling fiction. [added November 2013]
Odd Trick, The 02OT school
UK Captain 1902/08   TSA
Official Muddle, An 03OF ghost UK Punch 1903/09/02   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: IV.  Note: I think this is Wodehouse’s first use of a butler named Keggs. [added November 2013]
Old Cricketer's Story, The 06OC cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1906/09   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
One Touch of Nature 14OT baseball US McClure's 1914/08 Brother Fans (M2L) Book version is cut somewhat from McClure’s text, and slightly revised; for instance, Mr. Birdsey had opposed his daughter’s marriage but was overruled in magazine version, but in book he had no objection.
Oofy, Freddie and the Beef Trust see Freddie, Oofy and the Beef Trust
Open House 32OH Mulliner UK Strand 1932/04   MN American version somewhat abridged.
US American 1932/04   -
Ordeal by Golf 19OG golf US Collier's 1919/12/06   - Longest version (7,471 words) so probably closest to PGW’s original. Set at the Manhooset Golf and Country Club near New York. Mentions of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel, Vardon, Braid present only in this version. Otis Dixon is Mitchell Holmes’s rival for the job in this version only. Uses “par” for ideal number of strokes per hole.
UK Strand 1920/02 A Kink in His Character CC Shortened to 6,990 words but otherwise little changed. Set at Marvis Bay, presumably in England; uses “bogey” instead of “par”; Dixon’s first name is Rupert. This version is shortened very slightly again (6,956 words) for CC and GO; CCA uses essentially same cuts as CC but returns the setting to Manhooset and changes “bogey” back to “par”, but Rupert remains Rupert as in British versions.
Ordeal of Bingo Little, The
(cf. Leave It to Algy)
54OB Bingo Little US Bluebook 1954/05   - Core of the story and much wording reused in “Leave It to Algy,” with substantial changes in setup and peripheral situations and one character name. David Jasen gives incorrect title of “Hats Off to Algernon” for Bluebook version (and cites no month, just 1954).
Ordeal of Osbert Mulliner, The 28OO Mulliner US Liberty 1928/11/24   - Liberty version slightly cut, but has a few phrases not present in Strand.
UK Strand 1928/12   MMS
Ordeal of Young Tuppy, The see Tuppy Changes His Mind
Our Boys 03OB school UK Punch 1903/09/16   - Narrative, no dialogue. [added November 2013]
Our Boys—II. 03BY school UK Punch 1903/10/21   - Short-short. [added November 2013]
Our Boys—III. 03BS school UK Punch 1903/10/28   - Story fragment in “book review” [added November 2013]
Our Boys Again 06OB school UK Punch 1906/03/28   - Short-short about mutinous schoolboys. [added November 2013]
Our Magistrates 03OM   UK Punch 1903/06/10   - Humorous article containing samples of fictional dialogue, so just barely counts as a story. [added November 2013]
Our School Leagues 05OS school UK Daily Mail 1905/05/13   - Short first-person account of leagues for the improvement of school life [added May 2018]
Out of Bounds! see Manoeuvres of Charteris, The
Out of School 09OS   US Ainslee's 1909/09;
  - Set in America; considerably shorter version, with no uncle nor sheep-farming mentioned.
UK Strand 1910/10   MU Set in England; opening and backstory considerably longer; other significant differences throughout. Minor changes in some recent reprints of MU, e.g. “keeping shop” instead of “keeping sheep” in 4th paragraph, even though sheep are mentioned in 5th paragraph.
Outcast, The 10TO cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1910/04   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Parted Ways
(cf. Best Seller)
14PW golf; authors UK Strand 1914/12   - Though not as well known as its 1930 Mr. Mulliner revision, “Best Seller,” this is a thoroughly enjoyable tale from the first fruits of Wodehouse’s mature style. The Pictorial Review version, now available at Madame Eulalie (June 2014), is a few phrases longer than the Strand version and has a few characteristic Americanisms of the kind Wodehouse loved to include, so at a guess is closer to Wodehouse’s original. This is the second of three golf stories told before the Oldest Member became the regular narrator. *Earlier editions of Garrison listed this under 30BS, but it is enough different from “Best Seller” to warrant its own code of 14PW.
US Pictorial Review 1915/06  
Passing of Ambrose, The 28PA Bobbie Wickham
UK Strand 1928/07   MMS Cosmopolitan version has a few extra words. Magazines have an unnamed narrator; ‘(said Mr. Mulliner)’ added to Strand text for book version.
US Cosmopolitan 1928/08   -
Paving the Way for Mabel 20PW Archie UK Strand 1920/07 title in quotation marks (IA) Cosmopolitan version slightly cut; book version has small cuts from Strand version and a few word changes, with story beginning as chapter XVII and the opening of XVIII, and concluding as chapter XIX of book.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/09  
Pearls Mean Tears second half of IJ version of Aunt Agatha Takes the Count
Peculiar Case of Flatherwick, The 03PF   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1903/03/19   - Short-short from “Vain Tales” series, a tall tale about a writer taking on the dialect of the characters in his latest novels. [added July 2012]
Peer Who Worked, The
(cf. A Job of Work)
13PW boxing AU Kangaroo Island Courier 1913/04/19-26   - Discovered (May 2015) by Ananth Kaitharam, and available on Madame Eulalie. A shorter variant version of “A Job of Work” with enough differences to be counted as a separate story. I suspect it to be an earlier draft version later reworked into the Strand version, but deemed suitable to be sold “as is” to an obscure Australian newspaper.
"Perfectly Furious" 15PF   US Vanity Fair-US 1915/10   - Printed pseudonymously as “By P. Brooke-Haven”; a short-short story about a newlywed husband. [added December 2014]
Perplexed Poet, The 03PP   UK Pearson's Xmas 'Xtra 1903/11   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Personally Conducted 07PC Joan Romney
UK Cassell's 1907/07   TWE  
Petticoat Influence 06PI Joan Romney
UK Strand 1906/02   - Gus Caywood suggests that the US Strand appearance probably reprints the UK version of one month earlier from the same plates, as do the other stories in the American version of the magazine. Verified April 2020 from HathiTrust scan of US edition. -
US Strand [US] 1906/03   -
Pig-hoo-o-o-o-ey! 27PH Blandings US Liberty 1927/07/09 Pig-Hoo-o-o-o-ey - Liberty version somewhat abridged, but has a few phrases not present in Strand. Strand title includes quotation marks; Liberty title omits exclamation point.
UK Strand 1927/08 “Pig-hoo-o-o-o-ey!” BCE VW
Pillingshot, Detective 10PD school UK Captain 1910/09   UW TWE  
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/12/02 Pillingshot’s First Case Added April 2020 from information in Addendum; not yet seen.
US American Boy 1923/08    
Pillingshot’s First Case see Pillingshot, Detective
Pillingshot's Paper 11PP school UK Captain 1911/02   TWE  
Pipe, The 05PI   UK Pearson's-UK 1905/09   - At the very least a humorous essay told in story form, so worth including. [added July 2012]
Pitcher and the Plutocrat, The
(cf. The Pro; The Goal-Keeper...)
10PP baseball US Collier's 1910/09/24   --> in The Fireside Book of Baseball (Simon & Schuster, 1956) and The Baseball Reader (Lippincott & Crowell, 1980). Revision of “The Pro” in an American context with a baseball setting.
Pitiable Position of a President, The 04PP   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1904/09/01   - Discovered (July 2014) by Neil Midkiff. A short-short tall tale in American style.
Playing the Game 06PG school UK Pearson's-UK 1906/05   TWE Scott’s sister mentions Trott of the M.C.C. in the 1906 version, presumably meaning the Australia-born Albert Trott, who played for the M.C.C. 1896–1911. In Greyfriars the reference is to Lee, probably Harry Lee, active 1909–1934 with the M.C.C. In the original, Charteris compares his bowling to that of Hugh Trumble, a star bowler for Australia in 1890–1904 test matches. The 1924 version substitutes Wilfred Rhodes, a slow left-arm bowler for England 1899–1930. One sentence of the original, about Charteris burlesquing his own bowling, was omitted in the reprint, and a few words were changed.
UK Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924 Scott's Sister
Plus Fours, The see Magic Plus Fours, The
Politeness of Princes, The
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 2)
05PP school UK Captain 1905/05   SwO TWE
Porter and the Cigar, The 03PC   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1903/04/23   - Short-short from “Vain Tales” series, a tall tale about the unfortunate consequences of being given a chance to try a superior brand of tobacco. [added July 2012]
Portrait of a Disciplinarian 27PD Mulliner US Liberty 1927/09/24   - Liberty version very slightly shortened by simple cuts.
UK Strand 1927/10   MMM
Pots o' Money 11PO   UK Strand 1911/12   MU UW Set in England; Owen Bentley is a former cricketer and actor; Prosser is a bearded professor of sociology. Opening scene told in a different order from American version; stories run mostly in parallel after first scene, with some changes of names.
US Metropolitan 1912/02   - Not in McIlvaine or addendum. Set in America; Joe Bentley is a Yale graduate; Prosser is a bald attorney. Both British and American versions have unique only-by-PGW material. [added April 2013]
Priceless Boon for Authors, A 16PB   US Vanity Fair-US 1916/07   - Printed pseudonymously as “By P. Brooke-Haven”; a humorous essay in the form of a dialogue. [added December 2014]
Pride of the Woosters Is Wounded, The first half of IJ version of Scoring Off Jeeves
Prisoner of War, A 15PW Lora Delane Porter UK Strand 1915/03   PS10 American version essentially identical to British text
US Illustrated Sunday Magazine 1916/02/13   -
Prize Poem, The 01PP school UK Public School Magazine 1901/07   TSA 18K In the Public School Magazine the story is set at St. Martin’s College, headed by the Rev. James Robinson; moved to St. Austin’s under the Rev. Arthur James Perceval when collected in Tales of St. Austin’s.
Pro, The
(cf. The Pitcher and the Plutocrat,
The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat)
06TP cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1906/08   PS10 Novel reprint [one sentence longer, with other minor changes] discovered January 2015 in magazine series “My Best Story.” First appearance of father-losing-money, son-must-work theme (as in Wodehouse’s own life). Many plot elements and phrases reused in “The Pitcher and the Plutocrat” and “The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat.”
UK Novel Magazine 1907/08 The Pro. -
Prodigal, The 03TP Sherlock Holmes parody UK Punch 1903/09/23   --> Told in Dr. Watson’s voice. Reprinted as an appendix in His Last Bow, a volume of the Oxford Sherlock Holmes series (1993, OUP) [added February 2013]
Prospects for Wambledon 29PW tennis UK Strand 1929/08   LF Really more a humorous essay than a story; if Garrison hadn’t included it, I wouldn’t have listed it here. It has fictional characters and a few situations but no through-going plot nor dialogue. Michael Thompson points out that Terry Mordue found that this was derived from “A Great Coming Tennis Match” in Vanity Fair (U.S.), 1916/10; I’d describe it as “revised, updated, and greatly expanded” from the original VF article. American newspaper syndication (one appearance cited here among many) is moderately abridged but only slightly altered (setting in Forest Rills, one name change, one college change, etc.) and keeps at least one British reference, so must be derived from Strand version.
US Wichita Daily Times 1929/09/15 Prospects for Forest Rills -
Proverbial Fables 04PF   UK Punch 1904/07/20   - Short fable in the style of George Ade about self-improvement and romance. [added November 2013]
Providence and the Butler 10PB   US Washington Herald Literary Magazine 1910/02/27   - Discovered in 2008 by John Dawson; First page scan at Library of Congress; see Plum Lines, Autumn 2008; included as a supplement to Plum Lines, Spring 2009; reprinted in UK The Sunday Times Magazine 2008/12/28 with some errors in transcription; see corrected version at Madame Eulalie.
Purification of Rodney Spelvin, The 25PR golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/08/22   HG Cr Third story in Bates/Packard/Spelvin saga; sequel to “Jane Gets Off the Fairway” and followed by “Rodney Has a Relapse”
UK Strand 1925/09  
Purity of the Turf, The 22PT Jeeves, Bertie, Bingo Little UK Strand 1922/07   WJ Cr (IJ) Magazine versions very similar; American version shorter by a few phrases. Opening paragraphs altered for IJ, omitting dialogue “When the thing was over” and adding transition from previous chapter.
US Cosmopolitan 1922/07   -
Quest see Knightly Quest of Mervyn, The
Rallying Round Clarence see Doing Clarence a Bit of Good
Rallying Round Old George
(cf. George and Alfred)
12RR Reggie Pepper UK Strand 1912/12 "By P. G. Wodehouse and H. W. Westbrook" M2LA MMJ EJ Strand version is slightly shorter, at 5,679 words. EJ reprints MMJ version (very similar to Strand) though it claims to be Collier’s version.
US Collier's 1913/09/27 Brother Alfred - Reggie is American safety-razor heir as in “Absent Treatment”; mentions that his valet Voules is an Englishman. Slightly longer at 5,846 words, especially in opening, but otherwise very similar, with a few Americanisms.
Reform of Murphy's Rents, The 05RM   UK Pearson's-UK 1905/10   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Reformation of Study Sixteen, The 04RS school UK Royal 1904/11   TWE  
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/11/25 The Cure of the Slackers - Added April 2020 from information in Addendum; not yet seen.
US Radio Digest 1930/06 Reformation of Study Sixteen - Previously unknown US magazine reprint [added November 2013]
Reformed Humourist, The 03RH ghost UK Punch 1903/11/18   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: VIII. [added November 2013]
Reformed Set, The 03RS   UK Punch 1903/12/30   - Short-short about rowdy amusements of high society. [added November 2013]
Reggie and the Greasy Bird see Masked Troubadour, The
Reginald's Record Knock
(cf. Archibald's Benefit)
09RR cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1909/07   PS12 WW
Rest Cure, The see Mr. Potter Takes a Rest Cure
Return of Battling Billson, The 23RB Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/08   U Second story in the Battling Billson saga.
UK Strand 1923/09  
Return of the Prodigal, The 03RP ghost UK Punch 1903/12/30   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: X. [added November 2013]
Reverent Wooing of Archibald, The 28RW Mulliner UK Strand 1928/08   MMS All versions very similar, but magazine versions (substantially identical) have “stockings” for canary where books have “cami-knickers”; magazines expand on “Greek goddess”; magazines have socks with violet clocks rather than lavender; breeze rather than sirocco; ounce rather than fluid ounce; Meadows rather than Meadowes. Magazine mentions of adenoids and tonsils omitted from books. Followed by “Archibald and the Masses” and “The Code of the Mulliners.”
US Cosmopolitan 1928/09  
Right Approach, The
(cf. Joy Bells for Barmy)
58RA Augustus Mulliner UK Lilliput 1958/09   (FQO WM) Mr. Mulliner/Angler’s Rest frame added for book version; all FQO versions essentially identical. Much material reused from “Joy Bells for Barmy.” Michael Thompson summarizes book version as “Augustus Mulliner woos Hermione Brimble, pretends to be pious to impress her mother; Russell Clutterbuck goes on a drunken spree.” Lilliput version uses same names but is substantially abridged, without the Angler’s Rest introduction. Formerly coded 47RA in earlier editions of Garrison.
59RA   US Playboy 1959/01   PS7 Substantially revised, as Playboy would not reprint stories that had appeared elsewhere. Michael Thompson notes: “shorter than book version; Augustus Brattle woos Evangeline Elphinstone-Golightly, pretends to have ailments to impress her mother; J. Lester Clam goes on a drunken spree.” Formerly coded 47RA in earlier editions of Garrison.
Rise of Minna Nordstrom, The 33RM (Mulliner)
US American 1933/03 A Star is Born - Omits Angler’s Rest introduction and “said Mr. Mulliner”.
UK Strand 1933/04   BCE WM Strand version told by Mr. Mulliner as in books, although no relatives of Mr. Mulliner appear in the central story. (Correction, January 2016: Previous editions of this page erroneously assumed that Mulliner frame was added for books.)
Rivals, The 05RI   UK Novel Magazine 1905/08   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Roderick the Runt see Sir Agravaine
Rodney Fails to Qualify 24RF golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1924/02/23   - Versions very similar; SEP has a few Americanisms (e.g. motor truck) not found in others. First in Bates/Packard/Spelvin saga, followed by “Jane Gets Off the Fairway”
UK Strand 1924/03   HG F!
Rodney Has a Relapse 49RR golf CA National Home Monthly 1949/02 Rupert Has a Relapse NS VW GO Sequel to the 1920s trio of golf stories about Rodney, Jane, William, and Anastatia.
Rollo Podmarsh Comes To see Awakening of Rollo Podmarsh, The
Romance at Droitgate Spa 37RD Drones (Mulliner) US Sat. Eve. Post 1937/02/20   (CWB) EBCB VW Mr. Mulliner/Angler’s Rest introduction added only in CWB version; not collected in WM. After introduction, all versions very similar.
UK Strand 1937/08  
Romance of a Bulb-Squeezer, The 27RB Mulliner UK Strand 1927/03   MMM Cr One of the briefest Anglers’ Rest introductions, with only the narrator and Mr. Mulliner present. Liberty version slightly abridged by simple cuts, but has a few phrases not present in other versions.
US Liberty 1927/03/12   -
Romance of an Ugly Policeman, The 15RU   UK Strand 1915/01   (M2L) Ainslee’s version contains an entire scene at the end (about 570 words) missing from the British texts. The subplot about the stolen brooch is missing in Ainslee’s. Some Americanisms have been watered down for Strand readers but restored for the book version, suggesting that Wodehouse’s original may have been closer to the Ainslee’s text, which is now available (Feb. 2014) at Madame Eulalie.
US Ainslee's 1915/04;
Romance of "Mac's", The see Making of Mac's, The
Room at the Hermitage, A 20RH Archie UK Strand 1920/09   (IA) Cosmopolitan version very slightly cut. Strand text with added transitional material in opening paragraphs becomes chapters XII and XIII of book.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/11 A Bit of All Right -
Roses for Gentlemen see Good Angel, The
Rough Stuff, The 20RS golf US Chicago Tribune 1920/10/10   CCA
Much longer introduction, with descriptions of autumn and story of smoking-room caricatures. Tribune and CCA set in America; Wilberforce sent off to school in England and in New Hampshire, respectively. CC and GO have longer version of intro but follow Strand’s English setting.
UK Strand 1921/04   - Shorter intro, in which Wilberforce is sent off to school “up there” in Scotland, implying English locale. All versions quite similar after introduction. Strand omits the reference to Sandy McBean’s book.
Rough-Hew Them How We Will 10RH   UK Strand 1910/04 “Rough-Hew Them How We Will.” MU Set in Soho, London; magazine title includes quotation marks and full stop. Each version has material not present in the other; 4,445 words.
US Cosmopolitan 1910/08 “Rough-hew Them How We Will” - Set in Eighth Avenue, New York; magazine title includes quotation marks. Differently cut to 4,415 words. A few notable Americanisms not in British text.
Rule Sixty-three 15RS   UK Novel Magazine 1915/03   - Discovered May 2014 by Charles Stone-Tolcher. Available online at Madame Eulalie’s Rare Plums.
Rummy Affair of Old Biffy, The 24RA Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1924/09/27   COJ All versions very similar; Mabel has performed with a concert party only in magazine versions; the Wembley joke is told to Bertie by real-life comedian Leslie Henson only in Strand.
UK Strand 1924/10  
Rupert Has a Relapse see Rodney Has a Relapse
Ruth in Exile 12RE   UK Strand 1912/07   MU UW English characters in Roville; Vince’s name is George. Otherwise differing only by a few words from American text.
US Ainslee's 1912/08   - American characters in Roville; Vince’s name is Dana. A few notable Americanisms not in British text.
Ruthless Reginald
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 1)
05RR school UK Captain 1905/04   TWE  
Sales Resistance see Go-Getter
Salvation of George Mackintosh, The 21SG golf UK Strand 1921/06   - Unusually, Strand version is significantly cut (5,465 words), and CC and CCA are slightly trimmed from the McClure’s length of 5,820 words. Aside from Strand-cut passages (playing on stringed instrument, lisping “Fore!”, etc.) and book trims (at first mention of Celia and at Alexander) all versions substantially identical. Settings only by implication: British versions mention Cornish Riviera express; American versions mention Twentieth Century Limited. McClure’s mentions Singer Building where all other versions have Eiffel Tower. Apparently the only golf story in which the Oldest Member actually plays golf.
US McClure's 1921/09   CC F!
Sausage Chappie, The see Archie and the Sausage Chappie
Schemer, The see Autograph Hunters, The
Scent Per Scent see Homœopathic Treatment
Scoring Off Jeeves 22SO Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1922/02   (IJ) WJ Magazine versions similar, though Strand and WJ version is slightly longer, with digressions about a general’s strategy and Bertie’s theatrical experiences. For IJ, some revisions (mostly in opening) as a transition from previous chapters, and split into two chapters: The Pride of the Woosters is Wounded/The Hero’s Reward
US Cosmopolitan 1922/03 Bertie Gets Even -
Scott's Sister see Playing the Game
Scratch Man 40SM golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1940/01/20 Tee for Two EBCA EBCA (very close to S.E.P.) is set in the US and has Rockett children named after a mix of US and UK courses including “Troon” Rockett; FQOB = FQOp = GO version, set in UK with all-British names including “Troon”. Graeme Davidson discovered (Wooster Sauce, September 2018) that real-life golfers James Braid and Arnaud Massy each had used the names of golf courses where they had won Open championships as the middle name of one of their children.
Mr. Rockett is Walter in magazines and EBCA, John in FQO and GO, with slightly different championships. Differences in publishers named, drinks, distances, destinations, money amounts, weights; otherwise all versions substantially identical.
UK Strand 1940/09 Tee for Two FQOB FQOp GO
59SM US Slightly rewritten for -> FQOA Set in America with all-American course names including “Merion” Rockett.
Sea of Troubles, A 14ST   US McClure's 1914/09   - Set in America; longer version (4,281 words).
UK Pearson's-UK 1915/06   M2L Set in England; somewhat cut in Pearson’s (3,882 words) and books. Appears in M2LA as “A Sea of Trouble”
Secret Pleasures of Reginald, The 15SP   US Vanity Fair-US 1915/06   UW Printed pseudonymously as “By P. Brooke-Haven”; short-short.
Servant Problem, The 03SP   UK Punch 1903/06/03   - Short-short regarding household servants. [added November 2013]
Shadow Passes, The 50SP Bingo Little apparently first published in Nothing Serious NS TDC  
Shields' and the Cricket Cup
(Tales of Wrykyn No. 3)
05SC school UK Captain 1905/06   SwO TWE  
Shock Dogs 40SD Mulliner UK Punch 1940/02/14   - A short Mulliner/Anglers’ Rest conversation that is more of a satirical discussion of the German use of dogs in combat than a plotted story. [added March 2013]
Shocking Affair, A 03SA school UK Puffin Post 1973/Q2   TSA SwO Not accepted by the Captain; first appeared in TSA. One of two TSA stories with a first-person schoolboy narrator (the other is “Bradshaw’s Little Story”). Nick Townend notes that the Puffin Post reprint omits the first paragraph of the TSA version, which linked it to “Bradshaw’s Little Story” in narrative sequence.
Signs and Portents 06SP James Innes
UK Stage and Sport 1906/05/19   -  
Sir Agravaine 12SA   US Collier's 1912/06/29   - Collier’s version substantially similar except for one missing paragraph (“His mind next turned to. . .”); Escapade version considerably condensed and very slightly rewritten, with change of character name to Sir Roderick the Runt.
UK Pearson's-UK 1912/12   MU
61RR US Escapade 1961/02 Roderick the Runt -
Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch 22SR Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1922/03   WJ (IJ) Magazine stories very similar; American text includes a few extra sentences but omits Sir Roderick’s objection to coffee. McIlvaine and earlier editions of Garrison mistakenly list this as “Jeeves and the Blighter.” For IJ, split into two chapters: Introducing Claude and Eustace/Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch, second paragraph enlarged as a transition, and ending altered to leave for New York (instead of the south of France) to link with the next chapters in the book, adapted from “Jeeves and the Chump Cyril.”
US Cosmopolitan 1922/04 Jeeves the Blighter -
Sleepy Time 65ST golf US Sat. Eve. Post 1965/06/05 The Battle of Squashy Hollow PP GO Magazine versions differ only slightly; Argosy omits mentions of specific publishers. Very slightly revised for book versions, all of which are substantially the same; some references become less specific (Little Church Around the Corner becomes “some convenient church”; Westminster Kennel Show becomes “some fashionable kennel show”) while others become more specific (a shirt like a Turner sunset) or more Wodehousean (“It seems more apt somehow” becomes “It seems the mot juste”).
UK Argosy 1965/10 The Battle of Squashy Hollow
Slice of Life, A 26SL Mulliner UK Strand 1926/08   MMM All versions very similar; Liberty version has a few phrases not present in other versions.
US Liberty 1926/08/07   -
US Fantasy & SF 1955/06   -
Slightly Broken Romance, A see Feet of Clay
Sluggard, The 14SL   UK Punch 1914/04/22   - Tall tale of the advantages of sleeping late. [added November 2013]
Smile That Wins, The 31SW Mulliner US American 1931/10   MN Cr American version is somewhat abridged and has a few substitutions (earls for O.B.E.’s) not present in other versions. Strand version has different cuts; both 1930s magazines cut a long passage where Lord Brangbolton tells Adrian all his names and details of his visit, calling himself the fifth earl; in initial magazine appearances he is the seventh earl. Ellery Queen version seems the most complete, like the book versions with a very few additional words. Saint is similar to Strand, with minor changes, including reversing O.B.E.’s and Earls in opening dialogue, and small cuts.
UK Strand 1932/02  
US Ellery Queen 1952/06 Adrian Mulliner, Detective
US The Saint Detective Magazine 1954/09 Mr. Mulliner, Private Detective
Soap King’s Daughter, The 06SK   UK Punch 1906/11/07   - Drama and verse satirizing Lever Brothers. [added November 2013]
Social Reformers, The 07SR   UK Punch 1907/01/16   - Short-short about rowdy young Drones-like characters in a drawing room. [added November 2013]
Some Reasons and a Sequel 02SR   UK St. James's Gazette 1902/08/08   - A humorous essay told in the form of a story. [added December 2015]
Something Squishy 24SS Bobbie Wickham
US Sat. Eve. Post 1924/12/20   (MMS) Magazine versions very similar, though SEP has some material not present in any other version, and both magazine versions have phrases which were cut for book. Mr. Mulliner/Anglers’ Rest frame added for book.
UK Strand 1925/01  
Something to Worry About 13ST   UK Strand 1913/02   MU SwO  
US Metropolitan 1913/03   - Not in McIlvaine or addendum; essentially identical to British text. [added April 2013]
Song of Songs, The see Jeeves and the Song of Songs
Sonny Boy 39SB Bingo Little US Sat. Eve. Post 1939/09/02   EBC TDC  
UK Strand 1939/12  
Spectral Job, A 03SJ ghost UK Punch 1903/11/25   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: IX. [added November 2013]
Sportsmen, The 06TS   UK World 1906/12/11   - Short-short dialogue between fastidious hunters. [added December 2015]
Spot of Art, The see Jeeves and the Spot of Art
Spring Frock, The 19SF   US Sat. Eve. Post 1919/07/12 The Spring Suit - Set in New York; slightly longer and apparently closer to PGW’s original version
UK Strand 1919/12   Shortened slightly from US version; specific locations omitted and some Americanisms removed or changed, though characters still sound like New Yorkers
Spring Suit, The see Spring Frock, The
Star is Born, A see Rise of Minna Nordstrom, The
Startling Dressiness of a Lift Attendant second half of IJ version of Jeeves and the Chump Cyril
Statement of Orlando Applebody 01SO   UK Public School Magazine 1901/10   - An untitled short fictional account, part of Wodehouse’s “Under the Flail” column signed as “Jack Point.” New title added for reference purposes only. [added September 2018]
Sticky Wicket at Blandings 66SW Blandings US Playboy 1966/10 First Aid for Freddie PP Magazine versions essentially identical; Argosy illustrated with photos of Ralph Richardson as Lord Emsworth and Stanley Holloway as Beach from the 1967 BBC-TV “Blandings Castle” series. Book versions substantially similar to magazine text; Lord E. at one point says Rosalie when he means Valerie Fanshawe.
UK Argosy 1967/04 First Aid for Freddie
Stone and the Weed 10SW school UK Captain 1910/05   TWE 1923 Boys’ Life version differs by only a few words from Captain original. Boys’ Friend version not yet seen; added April 2020 from Addendum information.
UK Boys’ Friend 1922/12/16 The Bluff that Failed -
US Boys’ Life 1923/08; 1936/03; 1971/03   -
Story of Cedric, The 29SC Mulliner UK Strand 1929/05   MMS All versions substantially identical.
US Liberty 1929/05/11  
Story of Webster, The 32SW Mulliner US American 1932/02 The Bishop's Cat - American version shortened slightly by cutting sentences or paragraphs. Corrected information, January 2016: The story published in Scholastic (1934/03/24) as “The Story of Webster” is actually the sequel to this story, known in book collections as “Cats Will Be Cats.”
UK Strand 1932/05 The Bishop's Cat MN
Story of William, The 27SW Mulliner US Liberty 1927/04/09 It Was Only a Fire - Liberty version is somewhat abridged. Other minor differences among versions: Strand has 1907 rather than 1906 in introduction; book versions describe Miss Postlethwaite as “able” in opening sentence where magazines have “courteous”; Franklyn brings down three lions with three successive shots in magazines, but in books brings down two lions with one shot; books omit “I yield to no man” sentence; and so forth.
UK Strand 1927/05   MMM
Strange Disappearance of Mr. Buxton-Smythe, The 01SD Burdock Rose/ Dr. Wotsing (school) UK Public School Magazine 1901/12   PS1 TWE First Holmesian parody with St. Asterisk’s school setting, followed by “The Adventure of the Split Infinitive”
Strange Experiences of an Artist's Model 21SE Archie UK Strand 1921/01   (IA Cr) Not included in the series of Archie stories in Cosmopolitan, though included in the US edition of Indiscretions of Archie as well as the UK edition. Minor adjustments to opening paragraphs made to create chapters V and VI of book, with some transitional material added to end of chapter IV. Cr reprints chapters IV–VI of book under the title “Indiscretions of Archie.” Correction, January 2016: Previous bibliographies generally had singular “Experience” in the title of this story, as did this page until now.
Strychnine in the Soup 32SS Mulliner US American 1931/12 The Missing Mystery - American version is somewhat abridged, omitting details of the Draught Stout’s lost book in the introduction, the added resemblance to Victor McLaglen, and other passages and paragraphs. Book version has tiny changes from Strand text, including Dorothy Sayers in place of Edgar Wallace.
UK Strand 1932/03   MN Cr
US Ellery Queen 1952/02   Follows MN revisions.
Stylish Stouts
(cf. The Fat of the Land)
65SS Bingo Little US Playboy 1965/04 Stylish Stout (PP TDC) Magazine and newspaper versions essentially identical, but radically condensed at 1,833 words from full-length book text of 5,651 words. Cow-punching reference omitted from books; names of Mrs. Beenstock’s butler and her second husband are different in books. Michael Thompson notes the singular form of the title in Playboy.
UK London Evening Standard 1965/12/24 The Great Fat Uncle Contest PS8
Success Story 47SS Ukridge US Argosy-US 1948/03 Ukie Invests in Human Nature NS Also in Coronet 1978 paperback edition of PP. Correction, January 2016: Argosy date is simply March 1948, not March 1st as in McIlvaine and other bibliographic sources.
Sundered Hearts 20SH golf UK Strand 1920/12   CC Set in England and in Saint Brule in the South of France. Slightly longer at 6,318 words, but each magazine version has apparently had different editorial cuts, as each has only-by-PGW material not appearing in the other. Printed in Strand three months before “A Mixed Threesome” appeared there, thus out of story order. CC follows Strand closely, and CCA uses similar cuts but nonspecific America/Florida setting.
US McClure's 1920/12   - Set in America: Manhooset, New York, and Port Rickey, Florida. Slightly shorter at 6,225 words, but has longer introduction and other phrases not in British version. Handicaps at close of story are 25 rather than 24, for some reason. Correctly blurbed as a sequel to “A Mixed Threesome,” which had appeared in June 1920 McClure’s.
Tabby Terror, The 02TT school UK Public School Magazine 1902/02   TSA In PSM the cat is owned by Carter. In TSA the title is in quotation marks, and the cat is owned by Prater.
Tangled Hearts 48TH golf US Cosmopolitan 1948/09 I'll Give You Some Advice - Magazine version begins at the country club dance and is told by an anonymous narrator; Oldest Member conversation at marriage ceremony added for book version (newly coded 50TH), with substantial rewriting and expansion throughout. Magazine subplot of horse liniment omitted in book, replaced by details of Agnes Flack’s final match against Julia Prebble (who does not appear in magazine).
50TH rewritten for Nothing Serious NS F! GO
Technical Error, A 03TE ghost UK Punch 1903/09/23   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: VI. [added November 2013]
Tee for Two see Scratch Man
Test Case, The 15TC Reggie Pepper UK Pearson's-UK 1915/12   - Shorter version (5,740 words). Near beginning: “rolling up the aisle with Ann Selby”
US Illustrated Sunday Magazine 1915/12/12   (UW PS2 EJ) ISM is longer version (6,179 words) with Americanisms such as “getting over the home-plate with Ann Selby” as in collected versions, but Ananth Kaitharam notes that the book versions (UW is 4,667 words, and PS2 and EJ are apparently the same as UW) seem to have been edited (by David Jasen?) rather than reproducing ISM version exactly.
Theatrical Venture, The see Episode of the Theatrical Venture, The
There's Always Golf! 36AG golf US Redbook 1936/02 A Triple Threat Man - Redbook has a few phrases not present in other versions, including a reference to the fictional hero Sir Jasper as a triple threat man for dominating his girl in several ways. In LEO and GO, the title has no exclamation point. June 2013: Thanks to Krishnamurthy Ganapathy for noticing a longstanding error in the Redbook cross-reference, apparently copied from Jasen by all other sources including this page until now. Coupling this story with “Not Out of Distance” was mistaken.
UK Strand 1936/03   YMSA LEO GO
Thin End of the Wedge, The 04TE ghost UK Punch 1904/01/20   - Mr. Punch’s Spectral Analyses: XI. [added November 2013]
Those in Peril on the Tee 27TP Oldest Member/
US Liberty 1927/05/21   - Told by the Oldest Member in Liberty and Strand; told by Mr. Mulliner in books. Liberty version has several cuts. After transition from introduction to narration, book versions follow Strand closely.
UK Strand 1927/06   (MMS GO)
Three from Dunsterville 11TD   UK Strand 1911/08   MU The American version, now available (Sept. 2014) on Madame Eulalie, is very slightly longer than the familiar British text, with a few piquant Americanisms. In it, Rendal’s name is Peter rather than Joe, and Dunsterville is located in Southern Illinois rather than Canada.
US Pictorial Review 1912/08   -
Tiger's Skin, The 04TS   UK Vanity Fair-UK 1904/11/17   - Short-short. [added July 2012]
Tithe for Charity, A 55TC Ukridge US Playboy 1955/04   FQOB Magazine and book versions essentially identical
Tom Brown Question, The 01TB   UK Public School Magazine 1901/12   TSA A humorous essay in the form of an imagined dialogue. [added October 2019]
Tom, Dick—and Harry 05TD cricket UK Grand 1905/06   UW PS12 McIlvaine erroneously lists this as July 1905
Traitor, The 07TR cricket UK Pearson's-UK 1907/09   - A story told in narrative verse. [added December 2015]
Tried in the Furnace 35TF Drones UK Strand 1935/09   YMSB CWB VW TDC Differing cuts in each magazine version; for instance, Strand omits details of Evensong scripture lesson; Cosmopolitan omits heliotrope sock, on the nod, and the fourth cocktail, and somewhat condenses the account of the mothers’ outing. Book versions have none of these cuts.
US Cosmopolitan 1937/03  
Triple Threat Man, A see There's Always Golf! Cross-reference corrected June 2013
Trouble Down at Tudsleigh 35TD Freddie Widgeon UK Strand 1935/05   YMSB EBCA TDC Cosmopolitan version is slightly cut.
US Cosmopolitan 1939/05   -
Truth About George, The 26TA Mulliner UK Strand 1926/07   MMM Both magazine versions of this, the first Mulliner story, take place in an unnamed “little fishing inn”; the name “Anglers’ Rest” first appears in the next story, “A Slice of Life,” in magazines. In MMM (both American and British editions) “little fishing inn” is replaced by “Angler’s Rest” [sic] in this story only; it appears as “Anglers’ Rest” in later stories in MMM, as well as in this story when collected in WM. However, both singular and plural possessive forms appear in later magazine stories and book collections, and it seems impossible to resolve the issue consistently, despite my preference for Anglers’ Rest as the best-attested early version.
Liberty has slight cuts and a few substitutions: mumps where other versions have dropsy in the introduction; vacuum bottle for thermos-flask.
US Liberty 1926/07/03   -
Tuppenny Millionaire, The 12TM   UK Strand 1912/10   MU SwO The appearance in the US Strand is identical to the version appearing one month earlier in the UK version of the magazine; verified by scan at HathiTrust. By this time the US magazine’s contents and pagination are not identical throughout to the previous month’s UK edition, but this story is repeated from the same plates, with change of page numbering from 529 to 537.
US Strand [US] 1912/11   -
Tuppy Changes His Mind 30TC Jeeves & Bertie UK Strand 1930/04   VGJ as The Ordeal of Young Tuppy in VGJB
US Cosmopolitan 1930/04  
Two Sceptics, The 05TS ghost UK Vanity Fair-UK 1905/01/26   - Short-short; No. 1 of “Half-Hours with a Ghost” series [added July 2012]
Ukie Invests in Human Nature see Success Story
Ukridge and the Home from Home 31UH Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1931/02   (EBCA) Very slight differences in wording here and there among the versions, and a few small cuts in Cosmopolitan not in other versions, but EBCA often follows its variant readings; LEO is almost identical to Strand, other than omitting the name of the Main Boss in Hollywood. Colonel is Agnew in American and Bagnew in British texts. The obvious mistake “snootering directions” is corrected to “directors” only in EBCA.
UK Strand 1931/06   LEO
Ukridge and the Old Stepper 28UO Ukridge UK Strand 1928/06   EBC Liberty version has very slight cuts as well as a phrase not in other versions.
US Liberty 1928/06/09   -
Ukridge Rounds a Nasty Corner 24UR Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1924/01   - A few added passages, small cuts, and minor changes in Cosmopolitan text, but similar on the whole.
UK Strand 1924/02   U
Ukridge Sees Her Through 23US Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/09   U Versions similar.
UK Strand 1923/10  
Ukridge Starts a Bank Account 67US Ukridge US Playboy 1967/07   PP Cr All versions very similar, with only minor differences in punctuation or name spelling; EQMM reprints American edition of PP, where forger’s name is Tansy.
US Ellery Queen 1982/06  
Ukridge, Teddy Weeks, and the Tomato see Ukridge's Accident Syndicate
Ukridge's Accident Syndicate 23UA Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/05   - Cosmopolitan version has two paragraphs following “malignant fate” describing young Corky and his friends, omitted in other versions; also Moykopf and Moss Brothers are spelled as in real life. On the other hand, it closes at “thanks for the fruit,” omitting the account of Teddy’s success and nearly all of the closing tomato scene outside the church (one paragraph in the opening of Cosmopolitan quotes from the Strand version’s closing scene). Books follow Strand text.
UK Strand 1923/06 Ukridge, Teddy Weeks, and the Tomato U VW Cr
Ukridge's Dog College 23UD Ukridge US Cosmopolitan 1923/04   - First of the Ukridge short stories; the character was introduced in Love Among the Chickens in 1906. All versions similar, except that in Cosmopolitan (both text and illustration) the borrowed cat designed to lure the Pekes from the shed is alive (and named Cuthbert) rather than dead as in Strand and books. In addition, Cosmopolitan has one sentence (“I got hold of George, took him out to dinner…”) and one phrase (“as we walked back from luncheon”) not present in other versions.
UK Strand 1923/05   U
Uncle Fred Flits By 35UF Drones US Redbook 1935/07   - Each original magazine version has tiny cuts not found in other texts, as well as variants: “go out into that liquid rain” in Strand, “that crimson rain” (i.e. bloody) in Redbook, but simply “that rain” in books. Otherwise books generally are closer to Strand text. I have not yet compared Playboy reprint.
UK Strand 1935/12   YMS VW TDC
US Playboy 1955/08    
Unexpected Clicking of Cuthbert, The see Clicking of Cuthbert, The
Unfinished Collection, An 02UC   UK Punch 1902/09/17   UW Short-short; Wodehouse’s first appearance in Punch [added November 2013]
Unpleasantness at Bludleigh Court 29UB Mulliner UK Strand 1929/02   MMS Versions very similar.
US Liberty 1929/02/02  
US Fantasy & SF 1952/10  
Unpleasantness at Kozy Kot
(cf. Helping Freddie)
(cf. Fixing It for Freddie)
58UK Drones CA Star Weekly 1959/08/01   FQOA Third appearances of this plot, originally Reggie Pepper, then Bertie Wooster. In FQOA (published earlier: 1959/04/13) characters in framing narration are an Egg and a Crumpet, who tells the story about Dudley Wix-Biffen. In Star Weekly version, narrated by Percy Wimbush to Nelson Cork; story is told about Dudley Biffen. Other name changes and many revisions and cuts in text.
Up from the Depths 50UF golf
apparently first published in Nothing Serious NS GO
Voice from the Past, The 31VP Mulliner US American 1931/11 A Voice from the Past - American version substantially abridged; many nifties removed, apparently by a ruthless magazine editor.
UK Strand 1931/12   MN
Very Shy Gentleman, A see The Mixer: He Meets a Shy Gentleman
Washy Makes His Presence Felt 20WM Archie UK Strand 1920/08   IA Strand version (7,164 words) has a few cuts but Cosmopolitan has more (6,839), though it has a few phrases not in Strand. Book versions have slight cuts from magazine text, too, but otherwise chapters XXI and XXII of book follow the magazine story with no transitional material added.
US Cosmopolitan 1920/10  
Watch Dog, The see Love Me, Love My Dog
Ways to Get a Gal
(cf. Ahead of Schedule)
57WT   US Dream World 1957/02   PS5  
Wedding Has Been Arranged, A see Joy Bells for Barmy
Welch's Mile Record 02WM school UK Captain 1902/11   TWE
When Doctors Disagree 10WD   UK Strand 1910/12   MU UW The American version of the story, newly listed here and now available (December 2015) at Madame Eulalie, is set in New York with a few small trims and several changes of local references and terminology, but for the most part is identical to the familiar British text.
US Success 1911/03   -
When Papa Swore in Hindustani 01WP   UK Answers 1901/08/24   UW Earlier versions of this page erroneously had “How Papa Swore...” as title of Answers version, following an error in McIlvaine
Why Smith Left Home 06WS   UK Pearson's-UK 1906/02   - A short-short “tragedy” in a series called “The Merrythought.” [added July 2012]
Wigmore Venus, The 21WV Archie UK Strand 1921/02   - Strand version is somewhat more heavily cut at 5,619 words, though it has a few phrases not in Cosmopolitan’s 5,905-word version. Book version is slightly longer than either, with a few passages not in magazines; the word “summer” is cut from opening sentence. The story makes up chapters XXV and XXVI of the book, with no added transitional material. Some thematic similarities to “Doing Clarence a Bit of Good” and “Jeeves Makes an Omelette.”
US Cosmopolitan 1921/02   (IA)
Wilton's Holiday 15WH   UK Strand 1915/07   M2LB Set at Marvis Bay, England (Marois Bay in M2LB)
US Illustrated Sunday Magazine 1916/03/19 Wilton's Vacation - Set at Rockport in America; slightly longer (4,914 words) than Strand version (4,873 words) with more characteristic Americanisms; I’m guessing it is somewhat closer to PGW’s original version.
Wilton's Vacation see Wilton's Holiday
Wire-Pullers, The 05WP Joan Romney
UK Strand 1905/07   18K First of the five Joan Romney stories. Gus Caywood reports that the US Strand appearance apparently reprints the UK version of one month earlier from the same plates. Verified by HathiTrust scan.
US Strand [US] 1905/08   -
With Reference to the Picture 02WR   UK London Echo 1902/11/05   - Short-short humorous sketch with dialogue between unnamed characters. [added June 2015]
Without the Option 25WO Jeeves & Bertie US Sat. Eve. Post 1925/06/27   COJ Cr All versions similar.
UK Strand 1925/07  
Woman Is Only a Woman, A 19WW golf
US Sat. Eve. Post 1919/06/07   - Set at Manhooset Country Club, New York; featuring Peter Willard and Elmer Todd. Very similar to Strand version except for some names and settings; both magazine versions longer than book versions. First appearance of the Oldest Member.
UK Strand 1919/10   (CC) Set at Woodhaven Golf Club, England; with Peter Willard and James Todd. Slightly shortened for CC; CCA retains CC’s edits and follows its punctuation but reverts to American location.
Women, Wine and Song! 08WW   UK The Globe By The Way Book 1908   - A spoof serial adventure story, published not in a newspaper, but as separate chapters in a shilling paperback book which also spoofs other sorts of newspaper features. The story’s byline of “Paul Vane” may well be a joint pseudonym for Wodehouse and Herbert Westbrook, who are credited with the book as a whole. See the story and notes at Madame Eulalie. [added July 2014]
Word in Season, The 40WS Bingo Little UK Punch 1940/08/21   - 1940 magazine editions almost identical other than two names to whom Oofy is compared: Beelzebub and Ananias in Punch and Ribbentrop and Dr. Goebbels in Harper’s Bazaar. Bingo takes Mabel Moresby to the Feverish Cheese in this version of the story and is arrested for tripping up a raiding policeman. Much of the description of the police raid is adapted to Bertie Wooster and Lady Florence Craye at The Mottled Oyster in Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit, ch. 5.
US Harper's Bazaar 1940/09/15  
58WS US This Week 1958/05/18 Bingo Little's Wild Night Out (FQO TDC) This Week version substantially shorter; Bingo takes Mabel Murgatroyd to a private gambling house in his own neighborhood and hides in a neighbor’s water barrel. Book version substitutes this central situation into a slightly expanded and rewritten version of the full-length story from the 1940 magazines. New code of 58WS applies to both these revised versions.
Work 00WO school UK Public School Magazine 1900/12   TSA A combination of humorous essay and fictional dialogue about preparation for schoolwork [added February 2014]
Worm That Turned, The 03WT   UK Scraps 1903/01/01   - A short-short discussion between an author and a critic. [added June 2014]


18K The Eighteen-Carat Kid and other stories Seabury Press, 1980 Besides the title serial (a prototype for The Little Nugget, this contains 01PP, 05WP, and the text (but not the poems or illustrations) from William Tell Told Again. See my novel page for details on the longer stories.
BCE Blandings Castle and Elsewhere Herbert Jenkins, 1935 Six Blandings stories, a Bobbie Wickham story, and five Hollywood Mulliner stories. The 1957 Herbert Jenkins “Autograph Edition” bears an erroneous first publication date of 1922.
Blandings Castle Doubleday, Doran, 1935
CC The Clicking of Cuthbert
Golf Without Tears [CCA]
Herbert Jenkins, 1922
George H. Doran, 1924
Ten golf stories also collected in GO. As detailed above, many of the stories have both British and American versions.
COJ Carry On, Jeeves! Herbert Jenkins, 1925
George H. Doran, 1927
Stories also appear in WJ, some in variant versions as detailed above. Penguin reprint omits exclamation point in title, as do the Everyman/Overlook hardcover reprints.
Cr Wodehouse on Crime Ticknor & Fields, 1981 Twelve stories, edited and with a preface by D. R. Bensen, and with a foreword by Isaac Asimov.
CWB The Crime Wave at Blandings Doubleday, Doran, 1937 Contains the novella “The Medicine Girl” [Garrison 31MG], separately published in the UK as Doctor Sally [DS32], and 35TF, 36BT, 36CW, 36MT, 37AW, 37RD [Mulliner version].
EBC Eggs, Beans and Crumpets (both editions)   Stories in both editions: 25BD, 25BL, 26LB, 28UO, 37AG, 37BP, 39ER, 39SB
EBCA Eggs, Beans and Crumpets (American edition only) Doubleday, Doran, 1940 also includes 26LB, 31UH, 35CB, 35TD, 39BI, 40SM
EBCB Eggs, Beans and Crumpets (British edition only) Herbert Jenkins, 1940 also includes 37AW, 37RD
EJ Enter Jeeves Dover, 1997 Edited by David Jasen; as detailed above, nearly all the stories are reprinted from a different source than the one cited in the book.
F! Fore! The Best of Wodehouse on Golf Ticknor & Fields, 1983 Twelve stories, edited and with a preface by D. R. Bensen.
FQO A Few Quick Ones (all versions)   48FO, 58FL, 58RA, 58WS, 59JM, 59LA
FQOA A Few Quick Ones (American edition only) Simon & Schuster, 1959 also includes 58UK, 59BB, 59JB, 59SM
FQOAB A Few Quick Ones (American and British editions)   also includes 59BB, 59JB
FQOB A Few Quick Ones (British edition only) Herbert Jenkins, 1959 also includes 40SMb, 55TC, 59BB, 59JB
FQOp A Few Quick Ones (paperback edition only) Coronet / Hodder & Stoughton, 1978 also includes 40SMb, 50BS, 55TC
GO The Golf Omnibus Barrie & Jenkins, 1973 Contains the 19 stories in CC and HG plus 10AB, 27TP, 35FL, 36AG, 36LL, 40SM, 48EX, 49RR, 50FC, 50TH, 50UF, 65ST.
HG The Heart of a Goof
Divots [HGA]
Herbert Jenkins, 1926
George H. Doran, 1927
Nine golf stories, also in GO.
IA Indiscretions of Archie Herbert Jenkins, 1921
George H. Doran, 1921
Novelized from magazine stories, with some rewriting, some added transitions, and some stories interspersed through several chapters of book.
IJ The Inimitable Jeeves
Herbert Jenkins, 1923
George H. Doran, 1923
Novelized by added transitions from magazine stories, which sometimes appear in their original magazine form when collected in WJ.
KBMM Kid Brady Stories and A Man of Means Everyman, 2013
Overlook, 2014
LEO Lord Emsworth and Others Herbert Jenkins, 1937 26LB, 31UH, 35CB, 35FL, 36LL, 36AG, 36BT, 36CW, 36MT
LF Louder and Funnier Faber & Faber, 1932 Mostly humorous essays rather than fiction, generally adapted from Wodehouse’s 1914–23 work for the U.S. Vanity Fair magazine. See details of contents from Terry Mordue’s bibliography.
M2L The Man with Two Left Feet (both editions)   Stories in both editions: 14OT, 14ST, 15AG, 15BBb, 15BL, 15EY, 15MM, 15RU, 16TL
M2LA The Man with Two Left Feet (American edition) A. L. Burt, 1933 also includes 11AT, 12RR, 13DC
M2LB The Man with Two Left Feet (British edition) Methuen, 1917 also includes 15CH, 15MS, 15TM, 15WH
MMeans A Man of Means Porpoise Books, 1991/1993  
MMJ My Man Jeeves George Newnes, 1919 Four Jeeves and Bertie Wooster stories; four Reggie Pepper stories (two of which were later revised for Bertie and Jeeves; one of which later was transformed into a Mr. Mulliner story).
MMM Meet Mr Mulliner Herbert Jenkins, 1927
Doubleday, Doran, 1928
also in WM
MMS Mr Mulliner Speaking Herbert Jenkins, 1929
Doubleday, Doran, 1930
also in WM
MN Mulliner Nights Herbert Jenkins, 1933
Doubleday, Doran, 1933
also in WM
MU The Man Upstairs and Other Stories Methuen, 1914
NS Nothing Serious Herbert Jenkins, 1950
Doubleday, Doran, 1951
39BI, 47SS, 48EX, 49RR, 50BS, 50FC, 50HT, 50SP, 50TH, 50UF
PP Plum Pie Herbert Jenkins, 1966
Simon & Schuster, 1967
American edition contains the same nine stories as the British edition but omits filler material from Punch, two poems, and an essay. See details of contents from Terry Mordue’s bibliography.
PS1 Plum Stones, book 1: Wodehouse, Detective Writer Galahad Books, 1993 includes 01SD, 02SI, 14DE, 50MM
PS2 Plum Stones, book 2: Unrepublished Reggie Pepper Galahad Books, 1993 includes 12DO, 15CA, 15TC
PS3 Plum Stones, book 3: Theatrical Stories Galahad Books, 1994 includes 20GF, 29BG
PS4 Plum Stones, book 4: Keggs, the Butler Galahad Books, 1994 includes 10LM
PS5 Plum Stones, book 5: First Impressions; Mature Reflections Galahad Books, 1994 includes 13JW, 57WT
PS6 Plum Stones, book 6: There But for the Grace of God Goes Baxter Galahad Books, 1994 includes 14CI
PS7 Plum Stones, book 7: Self-Derivatives Par Excellence Galahad Books, 1994 includes 52BB, 47JB, 59RA
PS8 Plum Stones, book 8: Bertie's Friends Galahad Books, 1994 includes 40DI, 65SS
PS9 Plum Stones, book 9: "In That Shape, Rotten" Galahad Books, 1995 includes 36MT
PS10 Plum Stones, book 10: Ethics and Eugenics Galahad Books, 1995 includes 15PW, 06TP
PS11 Plum Stones, book 11: Wrykyn Havoc Galahad Books, 1995 includes 04JE, 05DE
PS12 Plum Stones, book 12: First Drafts Galahad Books, 1995 includes 09RR, 05TD
SwO The Swoop! and Other Stories Seabury Press, 1979 A novelette and ten stories; edited and introduced by David Jasen, with an appreciation by Malcolm Muggeridge.
TDC Tales from the Drones Club Hutchinson, 1982
International Polygonics, 1991
21 stories. US edition also has a brief biographical sketch by D. R. Bensen.
TSA Tales of St. Austin's A. and C. Black, 1903 Early school stories and a few essays
TWE Tales of Wrykyn and Elsewhere Porpoise Books, 1997 25 school stories
U Ukridge Herbert Jenkins, 1924 Ten stories
He Rather Enjoyed It George H. Doran, 1926
UW The Uncollected Wodehouse Seabury Press, 1976 Sixteen early articles and essays, fifteen early stories
VGJ Very Good, Jeeves! (both editions)   Eleven stories, also in WJ.
VGJA Very Good, Jeeves (American edition) Doubleday, Doran, 1930 American title omits exclamation point. Many of the stories conform to their US magazine appearance, as detailed above.
VGJB Very Good, Jeeves! (British edition) Herbert Jenkins, 1930 Here and in WJ, mostly conforming to UK magazine versions.
VW Vintage Wodehouse Barrie & Jenkins, 1977 I have not examined this edition in detail for textual variants, but spot checks so far confirm the reasonable assumption that it follows the Herbert Jenkins texts of earlier collections.
WJ The World of Jeeves Herbert Jenkins, 1967
Harper & Row, 1988
An expansion of the 1931 Herbert Jenkins Jeeves Omnibus, including an extended version of that book’s introduction. Contains the stories in COJ, IJ, VGJ (often in their magazine versions), 59JM, 66JG.
WM The World of Mr Mulliner Barrie & Jenkins, 1972
Taplinger, 1974
An expansion of the 1935 Herbert Jenkins Mulliner Omnibus, which contained the stories from MMM, MMS, MN, and five Hollywood Mulliners from BCE. This edition adds ten later stories.
WW Wodehouse at the Wicket Hutchinson, 1997
Arrow, 2011
A cricketing anthology edited by Murray Hedgcock; contains short stories marked WW above, with articles, poems, and excerpts from novels.
YMS Young Men in Spats (both editions)   Stories about Drones: 31FA, 33AH, 33LS, 34FW, 34GB, 34NO, 35AM, 35CM, 35UF are in both editions
YMSA Young Men in Spats (American edition) Doubleday, Doran, 1936 also includes 35FL, 36AG, 36LL
YMSB Young Men in Spats (British edition) Herbert Jenkins, 1936 also includes 35TD, 35TF