The Books of To-day and the Books of To-morrow, February 1907

Eminent Artistes.

[The success of the Prince and Princess de Broglie at the Tivoli Music Hall leaves us room for doubt as to the manner in which crowned heads and other eminent persons will fill in their evenings in the course of the next year or so. ‘Mr. Punch’ has already showed Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman and Mr. Redmond in their imitation of the Zancigs. We extract the following ‘professional cards’ from a future copy of The Stage.]

WILHELM. The Wire King. Telegrams written and despatched in full view of the audience. No possibility of deception. A standing challenge is offered to any member of the audience to compete with Wilhelm in fair catch-as-catch-can wire-writing. A forfeit of 100l. will be paid in the event of defeat, and each challenger will receive five minutes’ clear start.

GEORGE BERNARD. Patter Specialist. Amusing Stump Speeches. Side-splitting Epigrams. (‘A second Harry Randall.’—Peckham Gazetteer.)

HOOPER AND JACKSON. American Duettists. (‘At the head of their profession.’—Times.)

HAVE you seen Winston? Have you seen Winston? HAVE you seen WINSTON?

the infant prodigy.       the boy comedian.

St. Stephen’s Palace of Varieties, every night during the season.

LANSDOWNE AND BIRRELL. Comic Knockabouts. (Resting.)

PA VAUGHAN. Society Serio. Enormous success in screaming sketch, ‘The Smarting Set.’ New gags weekly.

ALGIE ASHTON. Lightning Letter-Writer. (Never resting.)

TED ROOSEVELT. The One and Only. (‘The all-round entertainer.’—Vide Press.) The management of the Hippodrome have engaged Mr. Roosevelt at enormous expense from the 1st prox. He will enter the arena on a bucking broncho, and wrestle simultaneously with a bear, a trust, and the King’s English, at the same time shaking hands with a continuous stream of office-seekers and telling California what he thinks of her. The most amazing turn in London! The All-Round Man!! The Fellow who can Hustle!!!

BRYCE. Diplomatic Patterer. (Touring.)

MORTY DURAND, on his farewell from the stage, begs to thank kind friends in front for good wishes.

KEIR HARDIE (‘The beau-ideal of pantomime “dames.” ’—Vide Press), in his new rôle of ‘The Suffragette.’ Every night. Copies of his great song, ‘I can’t think of anything but you, Zu-lu,’ may still be had on application.



Printed unsigned; entered by Wodehouse in Money Received for Literary Work.