The Books of To-day and the Books of To-morrow, July 1905


MR. HALL CAINE, in his speech to the North Lancashire Press Club, complained bitterly of the stories circulated about him by the papers. In reality, he was diametrically opposite to the figure he presented to the public in the columns of the Press. It is not generally known that similar newspaper errors have been made with regard to other celebrities.

MISS MARIE CORELLI’S dislike of Mr. Carnegie has been absurdly exaggerated. As a matter of fact, it is only that gentleman’s habitual distaste for thrusting himself forward in any way that has enabled him to resist Miss Corelli’s almost impassioned appeals to him to erect a Free Library on the site of Shakespeare’s birthplace. Next to ‘The Eternal City,’ ‘Triumphant Democracy’ is Miss Corelli’s favourite book, and she has expressed a hope that, when he publishes his next volume, she may be allowed to review it.

IF ONE TRAIT is more sharply defined than another in Mr. T. W. H. Crosland’s essentially gentle and lovable nature, it [is] 1 his penchant for Scotchmen. Not even Dr. Robertson Nicoll gives a warmer reception to the laddie from beyond the border on his arrival in London. ‘Who shall say,’ he once observed to Mr. G. E. Farrow (his bosom friend), ‘that my notorious predilection for Scotchmen is not justified?’

THE GIFTED LADY who writes under the name of ‘Rita’ frequently complains that the false statements in the Press concerning her supposed aversion from the Smart Set have caused her a great deal of pain and inconvenience. It is, she protests, quite too diskie of the editors to allow such things to get into the papers, and she wonders how they do it. She considers Bridge perfectly twee, and motoring distinctly deevie.

IN SPITE of report to the contrary, the simple John Bull nature of Mr. G. B. Shaw revolts as much from a paradox as it does from Jaeger underclothing. It is not true that he dines on four spoonfuls of parsnip porridge and a French bean. What he really likes is a good fat steak, not too well done, with pork sausages to follow.

IT IS NOT often that a Russian soldier weeps, but the Cossacks in Lodz and St. Petersburg literally bellow when they read the stories printed about them. It cannot be too strongly insisted upon that they are quite morbidly kind-hearted and sensitive, and their love for children is wonderful.

WHEN ASPERSIONS are cast upon the inside arrangements of the Gaiety Theatre, Mr. George Edwardes sobs like a child, and has to have his hands patted by Mr. Herbert Vivian to bring him round. He cannot understand how these stories get started.

ONE OF THE MOST delightful characteristics of Mr. Winston Churchill is his modest deference to his elders. His easy tact and almost Gallic politeness have made him in the brief time during which he has been a Member of Parliament, the pet of both Houses.


The word ‘is’ is missing in the original.



Printed unsigned; entered by Wodehouse in Money Received for Literary Work.