The Oldest Member — the narrator

The Clicking of Cuthbert

Mrs Willoughby Smethurst — President of the Wood Hills Literary and Debating Society

Adeline — her niece

Cuthbert Banks — winner of last year's French Open golf championship

Raymond Parsloe Devine, of whom the critics say that he is more Russian than any other young English writer.

Vladimir Brusiloff — the famous Russian novelist, whose literary philosophy is "No novelists any good except me".

A Woman is Only a Woman

Jimmy Fothergill — drives a ball two-hundred-and-twenty-yards down-hill.

Freddie Woosley — his mashie-shot drops weakly into the lake.

Peter Willard — large and tall;   James Todd's best friend.

James Todd — small and slender;   Peter Willard's best friend.

Grace Forrester — an unwitting Serpent in the Links of Eden.

Percival Brown — accepted the Oldest Member's wager of twelve golf-balls on James.

George Lucas — wagered half-a-dozen of ginger-ale on Peter.

A Mixed Threesome

Mortimer Sturgis — a care-free man of thirty-eight, of amiable character and independent means.

Betty Weston — a charming girl of twenty-five, to whom Mortimer is engaged.

Eddie Denton — Mortimer's best friend;   an explorer, who "spends all his time in places where it's death for a white man to go".

Sundered Hearts

Mortimer Sturgis — at the age of forty-two, "in just the frame of mind to take some nice girl aside and ask her to become a step-mother to . . . his ninety-four clubs".

Mary Somerset — the Ladies' Open golf champion.

Mabel Somerset — Mary's cousin, the Ladies' Open croquet champion.

Tamms McMickle, of Auchtermuchtie — finished fourth in the Open Championship of 1911, and had the best ball in the foursome in 1912 with Jock McHaggis, Andy McHeather, and Sandy McHoots.

The Salvation of George Mackintosh

Herbert Pobsley — a talkative golfer

George Mackintosh — "a handsome, well-set-up man, with no vices except a tendency to use the mashie for shots which should have been made with the light iron".

Celia Tennant — George's fiancée;   a young lady who wields a nifty niblick.

Claude Mainwaring — a golfer

Eustace Brinkley — another golfer

Major Moseby — a deaf golfer

Ordeal by Golf

Mitchell Holmes — a pleasant young man whose only fault is an uncontrollable temper when playing golf.

Millicent Boyd — his fiancée

Rupert Dixon — an unpleasant young man whose only virtue is an unflappable temperament when playing golf;   Mitchell's rival for the post of treasurer to the Paterson Dyeing and Refining Company.

Alexander Paterson — President of the Paterson Dyeing and Refining Company, and employer of Mitchell and Dixon.

Professor Orlando Rollitt — author of Are You Your Own Master?, a recycling of Marcus Aurelius's best stuff.

The Long Hole

Hemmingway — a golfer with a firm grip on the rules.

Ralph Bingham — Arthur Jukes's rival.

Arthur Jukes — Ralph Bingham's rival.

Amanda Trivett — the object of their rivalry.

Rupert Bailey — Ralph Bingham's referee in the long hole match.

George Willis — a golfer

Herbert Widgeon — a golfer

Montague Brown — a twenty-four handicap golfer

The Heel of Achilles

McTavish — a Scottish golfer whose game is affected by a lost sixpence.

Robinson — his opponent, who wins in a walk after being three down at the turn.

Vincent Jopp — a single-minded American multi-millionaire.

Sandy McHoots — a Scottish golf pro, modest to a fault.

Miss Amelia Merridew — the young lady whom Vincent Jopp has earmarked as the fourth Mrs Jopp.

Mrs Luella Mainprice Jopp — the first Mrs Jopp, she divorced him for "persistent and aggravated mental cruelty".

Mrs Jane Jukes Jopp — the second Mrs Jopp, she divorced him on grounds of "calculated and inhuman brutality".

Mrs Agnes Parsons Jopp — the third Mrs Jopp, she divorced him for "systematic and ingrowing fiendishness".

The Rough Stuff

Ramsden Waters — possesses a shrinking nature, except on the golf course.

Wilberforce Bray — a small fat impertinent boy.

Eunice Bray — his sister, neither small, fat, nor a boy.

Kitty Manders — Eunice's rival on a small scale.

Marcella Bingley — a weather-beaten female who had once appeared in the women's open championship and swung a nasty iron.

George Perkins — a 16-handicap youth, paired with Marcella against Ramsden and Eunice in the annual mixed foursomes.

Mr Winklethorpe — "a great kidder"

The Coming of Gowf

King Merolchazzar of Oom — a lovelorn monarch.

The Princess of the Outer Isles — a pippin, but not a great letter-writer.

The Grand Vizier — a faithful follower of his sovereign's fortunes.

A Scottish gardener — a devotee of the cult of Gowf

The High Priest of Hec — leader of the guild of priests

Exalted Overseer of the King's Wardrobe — a courtier

Lord High Chamberlain — a courtier who asks questions.

Supreme Hereditary Custodian of the Royal Pet Dog — a courtier who thinks minstrels are the answer.

Ascobaruch — Merolchazzar's half-brother, a sinister, disappointed man.

Characters who speak (or otherwise play an active part) are shown in bold; characters who are merely mentioned or who play no significant part in the story are shown thus. Unnamed characters (eg a maid, a porter) are not listed unless they have a role in the plot. Real-life persons are not listed.

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